
I always imagine - floating inside a sphere.

A total see through and endless depth.

I think i am close to my dream.

Ofcourse the (fat-)tv would be a blast to get rid of:)

As for now, i feel the C-500 was perfect for PL300.

The Wadia is doing wonder coupled with C-500.

This was really special.

My curiousity is my drive.

I am a typical, rather yesterday before tomorrow.

Next will be:

SMT/ has great bassabsorbers.

The Varitune series.

V4, V6 and V12.

I will buy V4 and V6 when they are back from vacation. 2 units of each. These will rid the last bits of an un-even bass response, in 40-45hz (V6) and 65-70hz (V4). Two units at each side. One unit of V6 in the bottom and one unit of V4 on top. These will be situated at the rear corners of the loudspeakers.

I intended using this thread/ system, as a diary of my personal findings.

All ideas and inputs are welcome!

Components Toggle details

    • Wadia 381
    The thing with the 381, is the synergi with JRDG C-500. I must say i marvel at the combo.
    • SSC (string suspension concept) Basis Classic
    Maybe the best platform SSC have done. This is a larger, special ordered version for the Wadia 381. As viewed, i have it placed at a drained Oak flat-form. This is drained from floor born vibrations with 3 Entreq Cat feets.
    • Wireworld Gold Eclipse 6 (XLR)
    Superby revealing for better or worse. I detect no colouration, no smear and i sense a very linear response. This is a great interconnect. Additional rework of system decoupling for sonic benefits. The cable just deliver:)
    • Bybee Tech Quantum charger
    Read at agon to get a more composed view. I find, a more smooth, slightly round sound (decay). For instance, used with a very revealing PC ít has an effect of better silence and the sense of a more ear-friendly top frequency nature (muted edges, but in a good way;). A fine addition to Burly which now sounds magic.
    • MAC (My Audio Cable) Burly
    Silence and an increase of resolution and dynamical contrast. Works wonders for Wadia 381. Burly is connected to Terminator T 0.3. Burly is very open and revealing. It's sound might be too much if you have a bright system and/ or, are having acoustical surroundings that are bright. A fine addition to make this power chord sound smoother and more weighty, is to use a Bybee technologies Quantum purifier. Even so, the PS Audio Perfectwave AC-12 will sound rounder, more analog and deep bass, but with less resolving power.
    • Terminator T 0.3
    A 485w massive, dual balanced mains purifier built for sources. Feeding Wadia 381. This is also, picture taken from sweet spot;)
    • Jeff Rowland (+Entreq Vibb eaters) Continuum 500
    The sound and look of this integrated must be experienced. If you like a see through and truely hear into the landscape of the recorded event, married with a cdp of your liking, this audio heaven. On top of amp, are two units of apparatus Vibb eaters from Entreq (cone style)Avaible is also mice styled Vibb eater
    • SSC AS pucks
    Used under C-500 orginal feets.
    • Entreq Cat foot
    1 unit in addition with Solid Tech Disc's of Silence for support of C-500. The Cat foot drain the oak flatbase from vibrations, the Disc's are used to help level/ keep in line, the flatbase.
    • Solid technology Disc's of Silence
    The Disc's of silence are used to keep the flatform in level together with the single Entreq Cat foot. The weight is really carried by the Cat foot.
    • Novibra Novibra
    Only ment to build height of Solid tech's - Disc's of silence. Also to void floor born vibrations to build in the body of the bases of Disc's of silence.
    • PS Audio Perfectwave AC-12
    This power chord serves best in very resolving systems. Else, you might not hear what it really does. It is sounding very round and analog. What it lacks, is a bit of the total open sound and resolving power of the MAC Burly. The Burly better render microdetail. However, Burly can not do the full bottom end of the Perfectwave AC-12. Burly can suit a well damped acoustical environment and the Perfectwave AC-12 fit better if system is a bit on the bright side.
    • Entreq AC-wraps
    To further enhance your power chords performance.
    • Monitor Audio PL 300
    This is a magic speaker. Resolving and power. I find all here. Work and work an work on placement. You will find the depth, the soundstage and coherency not many ribbon designed speakers can beat or approach. There are many ways of setting them up. They will routhlessly reveal all mismatches of electronics and cables. When opitimally setup with matching electonics and cable. You can set them up for full focus. It is now and here you will find magic. With a wise and lucky choices of electronics and cables, all is possible. With this absolute beautiful and skillfully executed designed and engineered wonder.
    • Harmonic Tech Magic Reference (Biwire)
    I have no plan of ever letting go of it. Why Jim Wang and Harmonic tech ended it's production, i really do not understand. It is a great cable.
    • Entreq Catfeets
    Decoupling devices filled with mineral sand. Copper is one of them. These reduce and turn chassi born vibrations, to heat.
    • Entreq Vibb eaters / Jumbo cone
    As with the Catfeets, in build and function. These are situated at the top of chassis of both apparatus and loudspeakers. As for speakers with Catfeets. The nuances, start and stop, decay and rendering of inner detail, stability and control are vey much improved.
    • Gik Acoustics/ Golden Age Music Monster bass, TRitraps + 242, 244
    4 units of 244, 3 units of 242, 6 units of tritraps, 3 units of monster bass. Additional drapes of Golden Age Music Pyrapanel 50 (3 units in each drape) and additional ceiling absorbtion (2 units in black cloth).
    • Foam panel 50*100cm
    For useage in cars really. This is to damp reflection from TV.
    • Foam panel
    Underneath the black cloth

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I had the Pl-300 as well. I played with Pass labs XA100.5 and XP-20. Now I play with the PL-200 and PLW-15 with Pass labs X250.5 and Onkyo PR-SC5509. I use Audessey pro. I have a extreemly holographic 3d sound. I play 4 metres behind the speakers. And moren than 1 metre even beside the speakers. How does the JR perform in 3D imaging?
