
New updated system.

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    • Mcintosh Ma7900
    Integrated amp, 200 watts, built-in dac.
    • Sonus Faber Olympica II
    Extremely beautiful sounding and looking speakers.
    • Rega Apollo-r
    Nice natural warmth with very analog sound. If I want more "air" in the sound, I use this as a transport into my Mcintosh integrated amp/dac using an Audioquest Vodka toslink cable (which also adds some brightness).
    • Kimber 12tc
    Amazing, transparent with great depth and large sound stage.
    • Audioquest Coffee USB cable
    Air, quickness, and dimension. I have owned 4 different "audiophile" usb cables, and this is the best for my system.
    • Kimber Hero
    Extended frequency with open soundstage.
    • Audioquest Vodka Toslink
    Clear with quick attack
    • Kimber PowerKord 10 Ascent
    Into the amplifier.
    • Kimber Powerkord 10 Base
    Connected to CD/Transport.
    • Monster Power Surge/Conditioner EP2450
    Power conditioner and surge protector, with IR control.

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Blue Jean Cables -speakers
Kimber Kable-PBJ Interconnect
