
New updated system.

Components Toggle details

    • Mcintosh Ma7900
    Integrated amp, 200 watts, built-in dac.
    • Sonus Faber Olympica II
    Extremely beautiful sounding and looking speakers.
    • Rega Apollo-r
    Nice natural warmth with very analog sound. If I want more "air" in the sound, I use this as a transport into my Mcintosh integrated amp/dac using an Audioquest Vodka toslink cable (which also adds some brightness).
    • Kimber 12tc
    Amazing, transparent with great depth and large sound stage.
    • Audioquest Coffee USB cable
    Air, quickness, and dimension. I have owned 4 different "audiophile" usb cables, and this is the best for my system.
    • Kimber Hero
    Extended frequency with open soundstage.
    • Audioquest Vodka Toslink
    Clear with quick attack
    • Kimber PowerKord 10 Ascent
    Into the amplifier.
    • Kimber Powerkord 10 Base
    Connected to CD/Transport.
    • Monster Power Surge/Conditioner EP2450
    Power conditioner and surge protector, with IR control.

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Newest setup:

Mcintosh Ma7900 Integrated Amp(with DAC and Headphone amp)
Sonus Faber Olympica II Speakers
Rega Apollo-r (transport)
Kimber 12tc (using 8tc for jumpers) speaker cables
Audioquest Coffee USB cable
Kimber Hero Interconnect (also using Hero jumpers from Mac amp to preamp section)
Audioquest Vodka Toslink (digital out from CD player)
Kimber PowerKord 10 Ascent(amp/dac)
Kimber Powerkord 10 Base (CD player)
Monster Power Surge/Conditioner EP2450


The system has come a long way from the beginning.


Hi Pvonmalt, How did the Blue Jean Cables improve your setup? Have you compared the Blue Jeans with any other cables in that price range? I have heard good things about them.

As for the bedroom system, how do you hook up the Peachtree to your computer? Do you use the stock audio card built into your computer?

I have heard the Nova but not the Decco. I liked the Nova, but not as much as a Jolida and Cayin that I heard after it. Do you find the Decco amp to be on the warm side?



Thanks Jim64! I wish I could hear all these cables and A/B them. I will look into your recommendations.
