
New updated system.

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    • Mcintosh Ma7900
    Integrated amp, 200 watts, built-in dac.
    • Sonus Faber Olympica II
    Extremely beautiful sounding and looking speakers.
    • Rega Apollo-r
    Nice natural warmth with very analog sound. If I want more "air" in the sound, I use this as a transport into my Mcintosh integrated amp/dac using an Audioquest Vodka toslink cable (which also adds some brightness).
    • Kimber 12tc
    Amazing, transparent with great depth and large sound stage.
    • Audioquest Coffee USB cable
    Air, quickness, and dimension. I have owned 4 different "audiophile" usb cables, and this is the best for my system.
    • Kimber Hero
    Extended frequency with open soundstage.
    • Audioquest Vodka Toslink
    Clear with quick attack
    • Kimber PowerKord 10 Ascent
    Into the amplifier.
    • Kimber Powerkord 10 Base
    Connected to CD/Transport.
    • Monster Power Surge/Conditioner EP2450
    Power conditioner and surge protector, with IR control.

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Hello TheGuitarist
Congrats on your first audiophile system. You should listen to music in your home so you've made the right moves with this system!
Please remember that the responses you'll get are just opinions and you are encouraged to find answers on your own by trying what you can to suit your personal music tastes.
I think many of us started out like you, and each step, purchase, and/or tweak is an exciting movement toward audio nirvana.
Now, considering your budget, I would try the Audioquest Black Mamba II ( one meter 99.99 at Audio Advisor), you might find a used pair on Audiogon but be careful buying these things on ebay as you may not get the real thing. I have many, and I mean many AudioQuest interconnects and to me they are very detailed for an early tweak to your system. (And they fit your budget)
While we are talking about an upgrade within your budget, you can find AudioQuest Speaker Cable always at a sale price at the same place (AA).
The Type 4 is a good place to start. They are Stereophile "recommended"!
Be sure to ask any of your audiophile friends if they have any nice speaker cables that may not be using that you could "borrow", more than likely they will end up giving you some.
You may get lots of opinions on upgrading the Power Cable. Hold up on that (imo) and live with the stock cables for awhile. While it could make a difference, be patient and learn to hear what you really have first.
As for your 2nd system (bedroom) I couldn't offer any advice on the Jolida or Qinpu except that whatever you try and don't like remember you can always sell. Think about vintage offerings... A Fisher 400, a MAC 1700 (McIntosh) Receiver or an H.H. Scott Integrated would blow those away (imho).
Best of Luck my friend...I am going to listen to a CD of a great guitarist I know that actually was my intern a few years back. Always love listening...
