
Next up will be a tube preamp, probably a McIntosh but I'm still researching and recovering from the cost of the newly added B&W 800Ds. I'm also exploring the ModWright Transport (tube converted logitech transport) because of the stellar reviews I've read. At some time I'll probably consider new speaker cables as well. But I'm thrilled with the system I've assembled so far. The music is astonishingly good and will only get better as the new speakers accumulate more hours of break-in time. To be sure there are few areas more subjective than high-end stereo gear but to my tastes this is approaching my ideal system.

Components Toggle details

    • B&W 800D
    Full range floor standing speakers with diamond dome tweeters, kevlar mid range, and twin woofers
    • McIntosh MC-501
    500 watt monoblock pair
    • HP TouchSmart 600 Quad
    Dedicated music server with one terrabyte hard drive.
    • Logitech Squeezebox Duet
    Receives the wireless signal from the music server and is wired to the Benchmark for D to A conversion.
    • Benchmark DAC1 HDR
    Digital to analog converter also serves as a preamp
    • Audioquest OAK

Comments 6

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Awesome setup! nothing more than you need, but still great quality.

And I think the plants look awesome! I'm a big fan of "indoor gardens"
