
I wanted to build a tube system around the highly sensitive Focus HD's, which present a very stable 4 ohm load. With the NEO250's optimized for a 5 ohm load, I thought it would be a good match. The HD's havent hit the 300 hour mark yet, so the transformation hasnt started yet. The amps currently have less than 50 hours on them as well. However they are starting to mesh well. Thinking about upgrading into the new Fosgate Signature tube phono stage, which is dual mono. Some tweeks here and there left, such as room treatments, that should keep me busy for awhile.Oh, and chasing those ground loops...

Components Toggle details

    • Manley Laboratories Jumbo Shrimp
    Preamp With Remora Remote
    • Jolida JD-100
    Sylvania 12AX7 outputs
    • VPI Industries Classic
    with Ginko dustcover
    • SoundSmith Aida
    medium compliance
    • Fosgate Signature
    phono preamplifier, tube rolling at its best.
    • Manley Laboratories NEO 250's
    Each powered by dedicated PS Audio Premier.These sound better everyday
    • PS Audio Power Plant Premier
    powers NEO250's, one each channel
    • PS Audio P-500
    powers all sources
    • Signal Cable Silver Resolution
    good budget cables
    • Legacy Audio Focus HD
    Focus HD's. The long road to break in.
    • Signal Cable Ultra
    • PS Audio Soloist
    Wall outlets
    • PS Audio Juice Bars
    Model 1 & 2
    • May-Tec Aluminum
    Custom fabrication, Formica wrapped MDF shelves, Timbernation Maple TT platform
    • Ground Zero Star Grounding System
    Helped somewhat, I think, however could never get rid of the ground loop hum between the NEO's and the Premiers, had to lift grounding plugs on PS audio AC cords.
    • Walker Audio Precision Motor Controller
    Decided on this over the VPI SDS-never looked back.
    • Richard Gray 600S
    Parallel inductors, paralleled with each wall outlet duplex on each channel. Next step RGPC 4000W Substation Pro.

Comments 31

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Another thought, Afc, yes I had tried lower powered amps with the Focus HD, and you are right, it is not ideal; better to have an 8 Ohm speaker with that kind of sensitivity. However, the little amps did drive the speaker fine as long as the level was kept sensible. If I recall correctly I was using Melody tube amps for review, and the sound was ultra clean but thin.


The Focus HD is 4 Ohm but 95.4dB sensitivity. The Manley in triode is 100wpc into 5 Ohms and in Tetrode 250wpc into 5 Ohms. These speakers would present no problem to those amps. I'll bet the speakers sound powerful and robust with those amps.


Jay, yes, I have conducted more than one review of WireWorld cables, and I continue to use them to build excellent systems. I strongly recommend securing both Silver Electra and Electra power cords (the former is silver OFC and the latter is OFC). By moving them about the rig one can "tune" the sound with a high degree of precision.

Before reviewing I put about $4-5K into sets of used cables from different manufacturers, which I rotated in comparison to each other. This was before working with WireWorld. I learned a lot from experience about the critical nature of using cables to complement components. I formed some very clear principles regarding cables and which ones work best to my ear. I am writing an article about that which will be published eventually.

Hey, M., I do remember you! You seemed like a proud papa when I saw you boxing up the SEs at the show. I told you at the time you were getting a great speaker, and I'm glad you are enjoying them! The marquis is a formidable center channel; you did well to make the L,C,R of your HT so powerful and consistent. Good job!


Jay, I never say no offhand to a suggested component for review. Actually, I've got some great stuff lined up for the next 6-8 months, which is a good thing.

I spent some time last night in the room playing Peter White's newest CD. Track 7 is great, and has some funky deep bass effects. It's fun to catch all the LF power the Focus puts out. :)


Jay, good job, nice selection of components. I don't see aftermarket power cords. You'll notice the difference if you get some.

Which do you prefer the amp to run, Tetrode or Triode mode? If you haven't yet futzed with that switch it'll make a difference for your sound. Also, the HD's have two switches on the back which are -2 dB attenuation for either bass or treble. Have tried them yet?

Also, you may want to slide the rug under the system and speakers, and possibly put the other rug out front. The difference will be as dramatic as any changes from burn in, and possibly much more so. You may get away without room treatments if you try that. Definitely work with the rug prior to doing other room treatments.

If you have multiple branded/model Interconnects, try switching them between the components. You might be very surprised at the result and could find a new favorite sound. If you don't have different brands, buy a couple different sets and play with their placement in the rig. It'll be very rewarding.

You may also be able to tube roll (swap out tubes) in the amps. It's not necessary, but it can be fun and profitable.

You've got a lot of options and lots of opportunities to get that rig sounding precisely as you wish. :)

(Disclaimer, I wrote the reviews of the HD and later the SE for I own the Focus SE.)
