
My Musical Fidelity A5.5 integrated amp served me well for several years but I got the itch. Early in 2020, a Pass Labs XP10 and X250.8 took its place.   I upgraded my phono preamp to a Herron VTPH-2a recently and am loving it!

Room Details

Dimensions: 16’ × 12’  Medium
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Thorens TD-147
    Pretty much a stock TD147 with TP16mkIII tonearm.  Currently fitted with a Grace F-8c cartridge
    • Herron Audio VTPH-2a Phono Preamp
    This took the place of a PS Audio GCPH that I had been using for several years.  I love this upgrade!
    • Nakamichi BX-300
    Willie Hermann fixed this one up for me. Highly recommended.
    • Arcam Arcam FMJ 23t
    just replaced the laser...a much easier DIY job than I anticipated.
    Replaced the entire transport with a NOS Sony that I found on ebay.  Much better result.
    • Pioneer BD 35 Blue Ray BD-35
    Seldom used
    • Pass Labs XP-10
    • Pass Labs x250.8
    • Analysis Plus Oval 9
    Heavy cables that you could jump start a car with.  Lots of copper!
    • Totem Acoustics Mani 2 Signature
    Still love these speakers

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A while back you had commented how my main system evolution and yours had followed similar paths. Another chapter to the story.

In my second system, which had a Prima Luna PL2 tube integrated amp and a Rega Apollo CD player as its anchor components, I had been using small monitor type speakers. These speakers fit inside a closed back standing bookcase and were turned on their sides. All this, so the cats could not get at them.

Over the past six years, I went from Rega Ara's (really incredible monitors picked up NOS for $250 from a dealer in Canada) to Energy RC 10's (which sounded really good, but only when placed inside the bookcase, as opposed to outside of it) to Spendor A1's (which I hated, but to be fair the placement probably had a lot to do with it) to Totem Mites (which I liked a lot). Well, the Totems got moved to a bedroom system and the Energy wound back up in my 2nd system, which sees a lot of use as it is alongside my computer and the main TV in the apartment.

Why am I going through all this?

For a 54th birthday present, I treated myself to a pair of Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1 monitors. OMG just about wraps up my reaction. These are the the type of speakers that find me re-listening to my entire CD collection again.

The moral of the story ... I would say try tubes, though I am partial to Musical Fidelity amplifiers. Before I went with tubes I had the MF A300 power amp and the CD PRE 24 paired together. Very sweet sounding, but tubes were sweeter. Second, find a way to hear the Ascend Acoustics Sierras, they are something else.

Be well,

