
ROON + BACCH + Dutch&Dutch 8c. What else does one need?

2012 May
Sold CAT JL2 MKII Signature

2012 February
Bought Berkeley Alpha Audio USB

2012 January
Bought Devialet Premier-D
Bought Aurender S10

2010 November
- Took the plunge and bought a Soulution 710 after listening to the 700 Monoblocks. Simply stunning. I am officially a subscriber of the Soulution hype.
- Sold Pass Labs XA160.5, not even 6 months old

2010 October
- Posted review of Audiomachina Maestro Ti-200 on my blog. See

2010 September
- Bought my first pair of Planar speakers, the Magneplanar 1.7
- Added new photos.
- CAT JL2 Signature MKII arrived.
- Sold Mini II.

2010 June
After owning the darTZeel for nearly 4 years, I tried out my friend's First Watt J2 and was blown away by the purity and richness of the J2. But with only 25W, they simply didn't have the muscles to drive my speakers. My search ended when I auditioned the Pass Labs XA.5 series. I was never convinced by the X.5 series, but the XA.5 series is something else. They almost seem underpriced by today's Hi-Fi standards.

2010 March
Maestro has received the secret Ti treatment.

2010 March
Equitech 5WQ-E Wall Cabinet System

2009 August
Welcome the Maestro!

2009 August
Added Placette Audio Custom Made source switch
Replaced EMM Labs DCC2 SE with Berkeley Audio Design Alpha DAC

2009 June
New Room: 15.5x18x8ft Dedicated Hi-Fi & AV Room, Designed by Rives Audio
Acoustic Treatment: Bass traps, absorption and RPG BAD and ARC Panels, and Soffit Traps.
Added: DartZeel 18NS, PS Audio Powerplant Premier & various Home Theater related items.

2007 October
Magico Mini II

2007 January:
Replaced PowerPlant 600 with ExactPower EP-15A
TacT RCS 2.2XP
darTZeel NHB-108 model one Version B

2006 August:
The arrival of the magical Magico Mini

2006 June:
See my blog entry:!8D24C7C1D93F608B!337.entry

2006 May:
I am now pretty much 100% using my PC as data server, SB3 as the digital front end, and EMM Labs DCC2 for all DA Conversions. PC+SB3 is imo the perfect combination for music in the PCM format. SACD, DVD-Audio, I still use my Unidisk 1.1 for a lack of a better option. Once you get to the ease and accessibility of the SB3, disc seems prehistoric, just like LP! =)

I have SOLD my Linn CD12. The DCC2 is doing a wonderful job, but my latest thought is to consider replacing the DCC2 and the ancient AVP to a Mark Levinson No.40.

2005 July:
I am slowly, but surely moving towards PC based front end. I believe a PC based front end can definitely replace the transport portion of my setup. My initial experience with the SB2 has been most positive. And the keys here is ACCESS and CONVENIENCE. Yes, the Linn CD12 will beat the 300 bucks SB2 in absolute term, but because of SB2 and SlimServer, I am listening to so much more music.

SB2 will be used in conjunction with TacT and then feed into DCC2.

My goal this yr is to convert entirely to PC based. I have no use for those little silver disks...

Components Toggle details

    • Equitech 5WQ-E Wall Cabinet System
    A complete balanced power distribution system in a wall cabinet, providing clean and phase coherent balanced AC power that remains stable regardless of how they are loaded down
    • Roon Labs Nucleus+
    • Theoretica Applied Physics BACCH-SP
    • Dutch&Dutch 8C
    • Devialet Premier-D
    Hi-Fi from the Future
    • Gryphon Symphony
    Three Sets of Gryphon Symphony

Comments 85

Congratulations on the new Pass amps. Could you describe how the Pass differs from the DartZeel with the Mini's and did you listen to other amps with the Mini's before deciding on the XA160.5's? I have this combo and am just curious about other alternatives. Thanks.


I think the Boulder approach is nearly the exact opposite of the XA.5. The beauty of the XA.5 series is that it uses very very simple circuits, an overkilled power supply. Class A, minimal feedback. DartZeel is also a pretty simple design. I guess I end up choosing 'simple' circuits over complex ones.

Have not tried the Tripoint, have read great things about them, but the Equitech In Wall cabinet systems is imo, also the real deal.

I am driving the Pass directly from the Berkeley Alpha DAC. I have not yet found a preamp that improves upon the Berkeley in every aspect. The dartzeel threw a slightly wider soundstage, but images become ever so slightly less focus with the dartzeel.


I agree that the high-powered Pass XA.5s are the real deal in audio. They sound better than the Boulder 2050s.

With a good tubed preamp and the Tripoint Troy, they become even more involving and fun. Music soars with effortless beauty.


Hi CJ,

The Maestro Ti are quite something. Indeed, Dr. Schuemann did suggest tubes at first, but I understand that lately, he has also been using solid state with the Maestro Ti.

I have just switched to pure Class A amps... and to my ears, they do sound smoother and richer than the darTZeel combo. DZ, after a while you do realize it is at times, an overly sweet sounding amp.

And Peter, Yes i have played with the cones and spikes. Finding a good location is indeed important. Did you try putting protective discs underneath the spikes? I personally use the cones, and even with the cones, if you try to slide the speakers, your floor could still dent. I have walnut flooring, also very soft wood, and there are a few marks.


I've admired your system for some time now. I recently bought a pair of Magico Mini II's. I removed the vinyl sliders I had under the cones in the base which helped me move the speakers until I found a good location. Boy, did that improve the sound. My question is: have you experimented with the pointed spikes versus the cones under the speakers' base? I have soft pine floors in my living room and don't really want to use the sharp spikes, but will if the sonic benefits are worth it. Thanks. Peter


Lloyd - following your advise, I am halfway there with a Lamm preamp, Music Reference power amp and also bought the Velodyne DD18. Heading for a Lamm amp shortly. This is sounding great! Thanks for the tips. Fernando


Have you formed an opinion on the Maestros? From what I have read and heard (talking to a dealer local to me), the Maestro performs best with tubes. Did you ever try tubes or have you been satisfied with the Dartzeel gear? Thanks,



System edited: Finally installed the Equitech 5WQ-E Wall Cabinet Balanced Power system! This goes far far far beyond what my previous PS Audio PowerPlant did.


My I ask how the Alpha DAC compares to the DCC2 SE ?
I was considering the Berkeley unit too, but since I can not audition it next to my DCC2, I am not willing to risk buying "blindly" .

Thank you,


Hi Flg2001,

I used the original CJMV60 (not SE)...55watts/channel. Worked very well...particularly given my use of the Velodyne DD18 which has crossover to save the amp from having to work hard in the bass.

...people could well argue it's not a super high-end crossover...but bottom line for me was the soundstage opened up quite a bit, and I found I could tweak the blend quite well such that the gains far outweighed the cons.

That said, I am confident that the CJ would have been fine without the crossover, running the G's full range. As for Jadis, I do not know them...I can say there are some very powerful, low-wattage amps out there which (within their wattage) can drive a big speaker. Look no further than Lamm of course.

Good luck and pls keep us updated! Enjoy.



Thanks Lloyd - I was wondering what amp did you use while you had the G;s, I am using a Jadis Da50 Signature and sounds great, but I am worried of the specs on the Da50 (30 watts/ch class - A) are enough for them.



Hi Flg2001,

I used to own SF Guarneris with Velodyne DD18. They were imho a great combination, and I was amazed at the clarity, pitch definition and control that the DD18 added (replaced an older FSR 10 Velodyne).

Plus the bass mgt controls that come with the DD18 are probably 50% of the reason why I still own the DD18 today. I traded in the G's for the Strads...and still run the big V'dyne in parallel tho needed to obviously completely reconfigure the settings to adjust for the Strads.

I cannot speak for the Torus...but I would have thought the incremental benefit might not be where you may find the best 'bang for your buck'. The Mini IIs might be a more interesting change-up...the key will be will bigger sound, greater detailing and soundstage leave you wishing u still had the incomparable 'musicality' of the G which few can match. Tough call only u can make!!! ;)

As u can see, I too ultimately changed the Guarneri, but stayed in the family by going with Strads because I could not walk away from the special SF musicality...

I also found that after 6 months, I went back and really re-adjusted the V'dyne and found enormous benefit as my ear adjusted to what true, clear, musical bass actually sounds like.

Good luck and enjoy an amazing combo of Guarneri and V'dyne!!


I noticed you have moved the Exactpower over to your AV rig, did you hear any differences between the EP-15 and the PPP in your HiFi rig.

When the local dealer here in Malaysia get new stock i’ll be trying out a PPP in my HiFi system.


Hi Linkster,
How are the Ultimate Monitors?
No, at this point, I am not thinking about replacing the Mini II with the Maestro. I just wanted to try something else. Everything has a sonic signature, and after a while, you want to try something else. As neutral and transparent as the Mini II are, they too have their sonic foorprint on the music.
I got interested in the Maestro because 1) sealed 2) a minimalist's first order crossover. Just something different.

The Mini II are truly sota for a 2 way. I will keep you in mind. =)


Wslam - If you decide to keep the Audiomachinas and decide to dump your Minis - send me a line!


Wslam, are you replacing the Mini II's with the Maestro's. I own the Ultimate Monitors which was Audiomachina's first product.


System edited: Took Delivery of the Audiomachina Maestro!


System edited: Took delivery of the Maestro. The only pair of the Maestro in Asia, outside of Japan.


Love the room design!
What city are you in and who did the work?


how is berkeley, i am considering moving to music server myself. how does it compare to top notch DAC like Esoteric D3


Hi Wslam,
Why you replaced EmmLabs with Berkeley?
What was bad with EmmLabs?
What is better with Berkeley?


System edited: Replaced EMM Labs DCC2 SE with Berkeley Audio Design Alpha DAC


As great as the Gs are, I assure you the Mini II are levels above them in every aspect. You will not regret. The Mini II are a LOT more dynamic, not to mention they are essentially 'full range'.

Yes! I have tried various setups, including TP's analog out vs EMM.
First of all, I think the TP's digital volume control is as good/bad as any out there. I honestly think the loss resulting from the digital volume control is more a theoretical thing than a practical thing. I believe the TP's vol control works in 24 bit, so there's enough headroom...
The TP, being a 2k device, is a steal. The analog output stage is not SOTA, but it's very very competitive to anything twice the price. EMM is certainly better. No doubt. More extended in both lows and highs. but the TP is not to be sneezed at.


Hi Wslam,
Great system! Very high end!
I see that you use the Transporter as a transport to your EMM Labs dac. Have you tried running the analog outs on the Transporter into your preamp (or using the onboard TP digital volume control and how does this compare with running the TP into the EMM dac?
I'm wondering how much of a difference there is?
Bill B


Wslam - I am using a 42Hz cut for Audio and a 60Hz cut for movies (which I very seldom use). I got to this settings with the help of the setup software (+ tools) that Velodyne includes.

I used a REL sub previously cutting at 35Hz aprox.

Based on your comments - I am even more interested now to consider the Mini II as my next step from the Guarneri's.



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