
My quest for the absolute sound started about 30+ years ago with the visit to a highend audio store in Richmond VA (side note - what happened to the highend audio dealer, they've all regressed into TV stores) and listening to a pair of Klipschorns -- WOW. I brought home a pair of Heresy (most I could afford then) and a Hafler DH200 amp and DH101 preamp and a 'something' cassette deck (remember cassettes?). This system lasted for many years, as I moved along life's journey, and was a pretty rockin system. But, I eventually sold off the gear or did it explode... At this point, I was working on my professional graduate degrees and music reproduction got placed on hold. Once schooling and residency was overwith I began to slowly return to my musical love. I picked up some Klipsch Quartets and Carver gear and a 'something' CD player. This lasted several more years, eventually adding a set of Klipsch Chorus II. The Carver gear got given away for replacement with a McCormack DNA1 amp, TLC1 pre. Later, I swapped in a Rotel CD Player. Eventually, I added another DNA1 for mono amplification. After, another couple of years, I swapped out the Rotel for the BAT VK-D5 SE player and the TLC1 for a Pass Labs Aleph P pre. A few years later, I had SMc upgrade both the DNA's to his max level. This system was definitely the best yet. I could not imagine it getting better... But, after a move, I noticed the horns being a bit too bright and brash in my new, smaller, room. So I ended up swapping out both sets of Klipsch for the pair of Quad 988s. Then, came the lust for tubes. So after auditioning a few different tube amps, I decided I had to have Atma-Sphere OTLs. So I swapped out the McCormack DNA1's for Atma-Sphere MA-1s. This brings us to the system as of March 2009 (when I started this posting)... Sooo, read on to see how deep the rabbit hole goes...

Components Toggle details

    • Micro Seiki DD-40
    purchased July 2010 from member Kimhou for $450 (including MA-505 arm). Cleaned, serviced (no repairs needed - just maintenance), and completely aligned / set up by Master Technician Alex Lok @ The Analogue Store (Raleigh NC) Aug 2010
    • Micro Seiki MA-505
    purchased with TT (included in TT price) - see TT. Absolutely perfect condition - current value ~$550.00
    • Sumiko Blue Point Special EVO III
    purchased brand new from The Analogue Store August 2010. Installed and completely set up by Master Technician Alex Lok.
    • Purest Audio STB-9000
    chrome plated brass record stabilizing clamp
    • PS Audio PerfectWave PWT
    PerfectWave Digital Memory Transport. Bought brand-spankin-new 2/10/10 from dealer Brian Kelly for $2200.00
    • Audio Note Response Audio 3.1 TC Reference MBX
    This is a custom build Audio Note kit DAC 3.1 by Response Audio. Includes signature digital board, AD 1865 N-K chip, AN silver TRANS-268 digital transformer, AN TRANS-496 I/V transformers, TRANS-027/02-AN Ultra HiB output transformers, Balanced outputs, silver wire, Cerafines, V-Caps, and Black Gates. And if thats not enough -- it has a separate chassis dual-mono power supply with Cerafines, Mundorfs, and V-Caps. DAC 5 eat-your-heart-out!!! Completed and in system 1-23-10.
    • Audio Note Response Audio 3.1 TC Reference MBX
    custom power supply pic
    • McIntosh MR-67 tuner
    old school tube tuner in perfect shape (Audio Classics B1), refurbished and aligned by Audio Classics 2005. bought from Steve Fields for $850.00 on Feb 13, 2010 - I'm now the 3rd owner of this classic (original owner in Ca, Steve Fields for about 5 yrs, now me)
    • Atma-Sphere MP-3
    Built 2008 for Vinh Vu, shown at RMAF 2008. Bought Nov 2009 for $2650.00 (including shipping). Came with the Power Regulator upgrade. Dec 2009 Atma-Sphere upgraded to line-stage V-Caps & Caddock resistor package
    • Tannoy Canterbury GR
    bought new Sept 2014, manufactured in Scotland June 30, 2014. $27,000
    • Atma-Sphere MA-1 mkII
    manufactured Dec 1998
    upgraded with Caddock resistors and 24K Gold plated by Atma-Sphere for audio show
    Upgraded to 12SX7 driver tubes
    Bought Oct 2008 from Spencer Banks for $5,934.10 (including shipping)
    Ralph at Atma-Sphere upgraded both amps to the MKIII status with full Caddock & V-Caps package and upgraded the power filter caps to the MA2 ones -- total upgrades $4800.00 done Jan 2009
    • Grover Huffman SX balanced interconnects
    Balanced XLR interconnects throughout. Bought Sc cables Oct 2008, upgraded to Sx version Dec 2009.
    • Shunyata Black Mamba powercables
    2 of them - power cables for Quads
    • Grover Huffman SC digital cable
    balanced AES/EBU XLR digital cable bought Dec 2009
    • Grover Huffman SX speaker cables
    4ft Sc speaker cables Oct 2008, upgraded to Sx version Dec 2009
    • Virtual Dynamics David powercable
    power cable for preamp
    • Silent Source Hi-Current powercables
    power cables for amps
    • Grover Huffman SX powercables
    2 powercables - 1 on digital transport, 1 on DAC
    • Symposium Rollerblock Series 2
    got Tungsten BALLS ?
    • Kymera Magic Wand remote control
    Bought new Dec 2009. Very unique universal remote that looks and operates like a Harry Potter magic wand -- necessary? No. Fun? In spades ;)
    • Nakamichi 680ZX
    Purchased Aug 2010 from Ebay member spokentewa7467 for $450. Cleaned, Demagnetized, Recalibrated, and completely Aligned by Master Technician Willie Hermann @ Willie Herman Services (Orinda, CA) Aug 2010 - Willie said that this is the cleanest 680ZX he had seen since he opened them brand new from the factory!!!
    • Marantz CDR-510
    Professional Studio CD Recorder and Duplicator. Saved from a pawn-shop for $152.50. Currently valued ~$500-800. Think computers do just fine burning discs, listen to one burned professionally off of one of these and you'll never use the computer again...
    • The Cable Pro Noisetrapper Revelation II
    No filters, no surge suppressors, no circuit breakers, no fuse power strip bought from Dedicatedaudio Aug 2010 for $249.95 to power Tuner, Nak tape deck, and Marantz CD burner.
    • Hickok 539b
    The "Engineers" tube tester and standard setter. THis unit is ~1958 to 1962. I bought it off of ebay coming from a engineering school in NY Feb 2010 for $695.00, were it was in functioning condition. I had it refurbished and precision calibrated by Roger Kennedy for $869.13. The caps, resistors, bias pots, GM meter DC bias meter and more was replaced, several fuses were added and the SS-83 and SS-5Y3 rectifiers were replaced with precision solid state units and it was cleaned - finished oct 2010
    • PS Audio P10
    Perfect Wave P10 power rejuvenation / purification conditioner. Bought new July 2014 for $2500

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I gave you the wrong site for the diodes. My computer, trying to be helpful,
filled something in it thought was close.The three tines was the tip off I had
gone wrong.

I looked up the ones you have on board. This is not the ones I see on all the
AN DACs at their site. I bet someone has read my posts some years back,

Here is the one in mine:

The difference is phenomenal. It lets through all the music as the stocks ones
couldn't. Drum solos are amazing. Slam attack is nothing I have heard with
any DAC. The highs come into focus. Transients improve. Singers step
forward, while drums are behind with force.

I first did this with an AN One .1. I held an audio party. A fellow audiophile put
on his AN DAC 2.1 with lots of upgrades. After about 10 minutes of this, one
of the fellows yelled out, "Can we put Vince's DAC back in please?" It makes
that much different. Now, with my DAC 2.1, the music is better than anything
I have heard. Just imagine what your 3.1 will do.

We went to see Chanticleer on one of their rare visits, and bought their last
Christmas CD. We put it on the system, and the similarity with the real thing
was amazing.


This will take you right there. They should replace the little diodes on your Digital Power Supply Board. I have Scintillas which, like your Quads, can define every little detail it is given. The diodes make a world of difference.

Also, if there is a dealer nearby for you to try the Flatfish, please do give it a whirl.


Well, darn. I did miss steering you to the best transport. The winner should
have been the 47 Lab Flatfish. This transport is better than any I have heard
including the PSA. It has revolutionized my Audio Note sound in ways I never
thought imaginable.

The most loving thing it adds to the music is natural flow 47 Lab calls,

By the way, I will give you the part number for Schottky super fast recovery
diodes. They will move your DAC from musical and smooth, to just plain live.
