
I've been building and upgrading my system for the past 5 years and have found something I can live for for a while. if I do any more upgrades it would a pair of Wilson Audio Sophias and possibly a better speaker cable.

Components Toggle details

    • Grand Prix Audio Monaco
    Grand Prix Audio Monaco Direct Drive Turntable
    • Benz Micro Ebony H MC
    • Tri-Planar Mark VII
    Tone Arm
    • Levinson No 390S
    Mark Levinson 390S CD Player
    • Audio Research Reference 2 SE
    • Conrad Johnson Premier 16 LS Mk ii
    Conrad Johnson Premier 16 LS Mk ii
    • Cary Audio Design CAD-805 sig
    SET Amplifer
    • Wilson Audio Sophia 3
    Full Range Speaker
    • Transparent Audio Reference MM2
    • Transparent Audio Reference XL
    • Aural Symphonic Cappuccino Power Cord
    Power Cord
    • Transparent Audio Reference MM2
    Speaker Cable
    • Tara Labs RSC Prime Power Cord
    RSC Prime Power Cord
    • Furman Elite 15 PF-i
    Power Conditioner

Comments 30


I read your comments in a discussion about NordOst cables. I have a somewhat similar setup (CJ Premier 14, Premier 11A, sometimes replaced by the MF2500A) Cardas Golden Ref ICs; Dunlavy SC-IV (I had a lot of Thiels before) with Heimdall SCs.

Intending to improve the quality upstream (even better vocals, more precise instruments without being too forward) , I am contemplating to replace the ICs with NordOst ones, did you try some that you liked over the existing Golden Refs?



Well done!

Conrad Johnson and Thiel provide a great combination.

What's next on the HiFi Roadmap?


System edited: Switched out the PS Audio UPC-200 with a Furman Elite 15 PF-i conditioner. Noticed an audible improvement in the soundstage and further reduction in noise. The PS audio seemed slightly brighter in comparison to the Furman.


System edited: Replaced the speaker cables with Nordost Tyr. Boy what a difference. These cables showed what my system can really do. The noise level dropped significantly. The sound became the most transparent as I have ever heard in my system. It seemed as if there was no cable at all. The sound stage and dimensionally improved dramatically. Instrument sizes, character and placement became more palpable. A somewhat artificial tone to vocals which were present before vanished. Now I tend to listen to whole albums as opposed breezing through favorite tracks.


A really beautiful system. I bet the Conrad johnson Thiel combination sounds fantastic.


Showing 26 - 30 of 30 posts