
System still in progress. Room design by Rives. Octagonal design 22 X 19 X 9. Three layer drywall with soundboard center. Open channel around room - decoupled from house frame, sound-damped ventilation. Skylines, RPG B.A.D and sonex treatment. False ceiling behind listening position/absorptive. Quad.diffusors behind listening couch. AC via sub-panel, 4 30A lines, grounding grid. floor to ceiling passive traps in front corners. Nice family listening room replaces tv time most nights.

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Aero La Fontaine
    pre-amp, CD player
    • Audio Research 250 monoblocks
    250 wpc Tube monoblocks
    • Wilson Audio Maxx 3 system
    Wilson Audio Maxx 3 full range speakers
    • Shunyata Research Anaconda XLR's
    3m XLR
    • Shunyata Research Anaconda Speaker cables
    • Shunyata Research Hydra Triton
    8 outlet reference passive AC distribution
    • Stillpoints ESS Rack
    Stillpoints Reference ESS Rack and component shelves for amps, CD, Hydra and Pre-amp. 26" wide model

Comments 38

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Hi Grant,

Thanks for the prompt reply and suggestions. Unfortunately, fully loaded HRS racks (I need 6-8 shelves) cost as much as a new family car here in Australia (strange for something that, while heavy, ships broken down) and the idea of importing an SRA frightens me given the state of the Aussie dollar and the sheer size/weight of the cargo. Finite Elemente Pagode Master Reference is an option I have considered but the importer does not have any new stock at the moment and any current orders will be about 30% more expensive than they were just 2 months ago. Plenty of food for thought until the economy recovers.

How do you like the Audio Research electronics compared to the Atma-Sphere stuff, specifically the preamps if you had a chance to compare them?

Best Regards,


Hi Grant,

Great system you have assembled there. Do you find that the suspended shelves of the Stillpoints ESS rack wobble or move in any way? I only ask since I previously owned a GPA Monaco rack that was not a particularly good match with my suspended Basis turntable because of the multiple degrees of freedom inherent in this rack design.

Thanks and Best Regards,
