
Listening to music from a sofa isn't enough, it has to be so real and life like that I am immersed inside the music with the players. That's what I aim for and any system changes need to follow this guideline.

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Research CD-7
    6H30 Tube based player - upgraded to NOS DR tubes
    • Linn LP-12 Valhalla
    My baby from UK in the late '80s. Was my most treasured possession and still belts out a decent tune
    • Linn Ittok LVII
    Upgraded from the Basik arm and improved the sound tremendously
    • Benz Micro Benz Micro
    Changed from my original Supex SDX-9000. Supex used to OEM for Linn and made their Asak cartridge
    • Balanced Audio VK-5i
    Where to start? Damm good pre-amp and having difficulty finding a better one. Upgraded output capacitors (big problem with the original BAT amps), using English Mullard (Mitchem Factory) military NOS tubes and Herbie tube dampeners.
    • Balanced Audio VK-P5
    A head amp for my Linn. Still tweaking it to improve sound. Has potential but needs high output cartridge
    • YBA Passion 1000 monoblocks
    Amazing amps. Replaced my Krell electronics. Can see far deeper into the music and soundstage. Sounds sweet, like tubes. I placed a "sacrificial lamb" on top of the YBA so any child heading for the system would be baited to the toy instead. And it works!
    • Shunyata Hydra 8
    Sold on the Hydra 4 after a blind test shootout. Gradully upgraded to 8 over time
    • Wilson Audio Watt+Puppy 6.0
    Needs time for 'voweling' setup but when done, sounds incredible. Tweeters are the later set (WP7)
    • Harmonic Technology Magic Link II
    Use them between all electronics. Tried many brands, these seem most natural and balanced sounding in my system.
    • Cardas Golden Reference
    Seems to match the WP6 pretty well. Again, tried many different brands, these seemed the most natural
    • Symposium Isis
    4 level Heavy Duty aluminum rack, rollerblocks built inside the legs on 2 levels. Sounds improves more than component upgrades!
    • DIY Sandbase
    Teak sandbases made locally. They help tighten up the sound
    • Symposium Rollerblocks Jr+, Series 2+
    Great vibration control products. Tungsten Carbide G2.5 balls are pretty amazing.
    • Symposium Ultra
    Vibration platform. Under the CD and Pre-amp
    • Cardas Golden Reference
    20A For Hydra and 15A for CD-7 player.
    • MIT Z Cord III
    For pre-amp
    • Shunyata Taipan
    2 for the power-amp monoblocks
    • Audience PowerChord E
    For cd player

Comments 17

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Hi Pierre, sorry have been rather busy the past few months, no time to reply.

Each item in my system has a history and came about from listening to them in different systems and ultimately in my own before it replaced the older unit. So it's difficult to say which 2 items made the most difference. They all did and in such a significant way that I bought the item.

That said, I would have to mention that it was vibration control that allowed the components to perform to their peak abilities. And secondly room shape is important too - I used a room shape calculator to get the basics right then sort of guessed the rest. I choose to follow one of the Louden room shape ratios (1:1.4:1.9) which satisfies the Bolt, IEC and EBU good sound design ratios also.

A good room shape allows you to find a good spot for the speakers (this is still very much a requirement) so they can play deep smoothly without boom. Good choice of room finishes allows the HF to play well. And good vibration control allows your components to show all they can do.


Hi folks! Thanks for your comments - the system's sort of reached a very nice plateau right now and so I've stopped tweeking it for the time being and am just enjoying software. Currently looking to buy a heap of great audiophile jazz and classical CDs from Taiwan at a good price. Lots to listen to shortly...

Islandmandan, I'm in Bangkok and will reply your questions in more detail via email.


Thanks Tito for your kind words. My music room happens to be my kid's drawing room also. The table I have in front of the sofa is covered with paper and I encourage my daughter to draw on it. So Mommy can't complain that I spend too much time with the hifi and not enough with the kid! Although I don't allow her to touch the system I have a programmable "Weemote" remote that is kid friendly (large buttons and damage proof) and she sometimes tricks Dad by muting the music..

The last bit of bass tuning was achieved with the Ultra platforms under the CD and pre-amp. So I'm not planning to mess with the WPs anymore. But I'll check out the stuff you mentioned anyway. I was considering the MinusK instead of the Ultras but eventually decided against it but hear it's a pretty impressive device. I'll check out your review later.

Cheers! Kin


System edited: System Updated: Added 2 Symposium Ultras under the Watt Puppies in replacement of the original spiked feet. Trying to tighten up the bass a little and possibly reduce the cabinet colorations even further. Didn't work. The sound was over damped and both air and bloom disappeared. Image became smaller and recessed into the sound field. I suppose the design of the speaker's crossover included the feet and changing the feet would require a corresponding change in the crossover. So the Ultras ended up under the CD and BAT where it made a huge difference! Details, imaging and bass tightness has improved.


Hi Elberoth2, we chatted on tube rolling recently on another thread. I was going to update that thread once I finalized the sound in my mind. In a nutshell, yes there is an improvement but not a lot. Slightly more dynamic, tighter and more solid image, more air and details.

During the burning in process of around 70 hours or so, the sound started hard and gradually softened up with the harshness replaced by better detail.

Mind you, it is rather difficult to make a comparison between the DRs and standard Sovtek tubes. You have to unscrew the top plate of the CD7, wait till it cools to change the tubes, refit all the dampeners and screw the top plate back on. Then wait for the warm-up again. I went through the process many times, with different combinations of Herbie's 6H30 dampeners and the original ARC double rings. And with the Herbie rings, different positions on the tubes.

Ultimately, I concluded to use the Herbie dampeners closer to the top of the tube than the original ARC double rings and to stay with the 4 DR tubes in the gain stage. I still use the original Sovtek one for the power stage.

While I was doing this, I was also experimenting with different footers and concluded that either using the original ARC 5 feet or using Symposium aluminum couplers to my Isis rack sounded the best depending on whether I wanted slightly softer and sweeter sound or clearer and more detailed sound. I settled on the latter.


Thanks for you kind comments folks. Since posting the initial pics, I've added more pics to show the latest setup now.

Yes Goheelz, you're pretty observant re the sound panels :-)

Both the front and back panels are thin acoustic panels wrapped in a silk covering (we have a lot of the stuff in Thailand!). The back panels has strips of glass at the sides as part of the room design. The panels are not the type that absorbs all sound but only makes the rooms less alive. I believe that a dead room doesn't sound very nice at all. The best acoustic rooms I've been in are pretty lively.

Where the ceilings meet the walls, I've installed 4 Cathedral Sound Panels - the controversial ones that reduce sound pressure by the Venturi principle. Seems to have a good effect on bass.


System edited: System changing all the time, last big change was the ARC CD7 and it's just about burnt in fully now. Sounding quite wonderful especially the treble. Bass a bit fat so currently playing with power cords and adjusting the position of the Watt Puppies. The optimal position has changed with the new CD player (old one was ARC CD3mkII). I wonder why? Considering to add some Symposium Ultra platforms under the speakers to better control vibrations. Anyone any experience with this technique?


Finally got around to grouping my gear together on-line. Will try to get some pics together soon. My room is built around the Louden Ratio with as little acoustic paneling as possible. Still working on one corner as there is a bit of slap echo.

Feel free to make comments. Thanks.
