
This 99-percent-analog system emphasizes musical accuracy with an ear tilted especially toward jazz, bluegrass, and some classical music. 

ModWright Reference Phono bypasses the C2300 MC phono.

Comments and suggestions welcome.

Room Details

Dimensions: 19’ × 15’  Medium
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • VPI Industries Aries
    Aries Black Knight
    • VPI Industries JMW 10.5i
    Classic 3 tonearm
    • Lyra Kleos SL
    Low-output moving coil
    • Dynavector XX2 MKII
    low-output, moving coil cartridge
    • ModWright LLC PH-150 Reference Phono
    MM/MC tube phono stage + power supply. An extremely versatile product.  Loading parameters easily adjusted via front panel.
    • VPI SDS speed controller
    Improves tone stability and imaging.
    • Harmonic Technology Silver Crystal Phono
    RCA phono cable
    • Gingko Cloud 11
    Sized for VPI Aries. Excellent and well-made product for absorbing vibration.
    • McIntosh C2300
    tube preamplifier
    • McIntosh MC-352
    solid state American power
    • Harmonic Technology Magic Link 2 interconnect
    preamp to amplifier RCA-RCA
    • PS Audio Statement Power Cord
    Hard to bend these stiff cords, but they work well otherwise.
    • PS Audio P10 Power Plant
    power regenerator
    • Bright Star Audio Rack of Gibraltar 2
    Rock-solid support for 6 components.
    • Bright Star Audio Big Rock isolation platforms
    Sand-filled isolation platforms under preamplifier and CD player.
    • AC dedicated lines (2) AC power
    Two dedicated AC lines with PS Audio Classic Power Ports.
    • edenSound Bear paw senior footers
    Brass footers for equipment rack.
    • AudioQuest AQ Gibraltar speaker cables
    Single bi-wire, 10 feet
    • Vandersteen 5A
    full-range speakers
    • Synergistic Research Master Coupler AC cord
    power cord
    • Shunyata Research Cobra Ztron
    XLR interconnect
    • Sony HAP-Z1ES digital server
    First venture into hard-drive based digital music.
    • Transparent Audio Musiclink Plus MM2 XLR interconnects
    Long interconnects (preamp to amplifier), 25 ft.

Comments 38

Heyitsmedusty: Sorry for the much-delayed reply. Good call on the displayed Sufjan Stevens record. It's the inside flap of "Come on Feel the Illinoise."

Updates: Dynavector XX-2 MkII on the way, along with JWW 10.5i arm upgrade. Any guesses on what changes these will bring?

Also am looking at changing the phone cable with the new arm/cartridge set up. Who's got a likely cable recommendation at under $500.00?


It looks like the outside album on the bottom shelf is a Sufjan Stevens album, but I can't place the cover art. If that's John Wayne Gacy next to him in the painting then I would guess it's something related to "Illinoise." Is it the back of "The Avalanche?"


You don't really need two Martin guitars, so mail one to me and I will send you a Washburn guitar that is not as good


Vernneal -- Thank you for the good suggestions. No HT issues here, so I recently opted to exchange the AR linestage for McIntosh C2300 preamplifier, mainly because I wanted to try a tube preamp with the solid state MC352. Thus far, this is working out great, and as an added bonus the C2300 MC phono stage is excellent.


Nice setup. For preamp upgrades 2ch only consider a used McIntosh C39. It would mesh grat with your system. For HT or future HT consider the McIntosh MC334


System edited: Added REL Stentor II subwoofer.


System edited: Added Richard Gray Power Company 400S. Major improvement to soundstage and musical detail.


System edited: Added Gingko Cloud 11 isolation platform under VPI Aries Black Knight turntable. A significant upgrade for vinyl playback.


System edited: added Bright Star Audio isolation bases (under CD player and preamplifier).


Zigonht: I've had the Rega Planet 2000 since it was first introduced, about 5 years ago. Probably it's time for a change, but it's been a decent player all that time and still works great despite being replaced in the Rega line by the Apollo, etc., which I've not yet heard. Frankly, I listen to vinyl so exclusively these days that digital has become a lower priority, although I've begun including iPod lossless playback for parties and such.

Khoward: the LP shelves, which are reasonably priced from, have worked out quite well. These racks are available in various sizes and the price is decent. So far it's been quite sturdy, as I've had it in place for about 3 years with no sagging. The Billy Bags shelves are surely better, but they're a lot more expensive the last time I checked. This particular rack holds about 300 LPs, only a portion of my collection (total about 1500 LPs), but it's reasonably attractive and so is allowed to stay in the music room while the larger collection goes elsewhere in the house. I use an indoor coaxial-cable antenna from Crane Co. (about 25 dollars) for the tuner, but where I live FM is a pretty low priority. I'm about 100 miles from decent FM radio, and even a rooftop antenna would likely give me marginal reception. The local college station tunes in reasonably well, though, and sometimes that's worthwhile.


Very nice!

Can you give details on the LP shelves? They look solid. Also, what do use for an antenna for the Kenwood?



Nice system....How do you like the Rega as a redbook player...I am starting to put a 2 ch sys...I see a lot of Rega on the gon. Wondered what you thought...

p.s. Love the Martins...I play also...


System edited: pictures updated.


Showing 26 - 38 of 38 posts