
This is the second of two primary dedicated rooms. I work from home so this is also somewhat of a multi-purpose. My desk is in this room too, which affords me the advantage of great tunes whenever I'm not on the phone (which sadly isn't enough)

The Room:

This room is also in the basement and is an odd shape consisting of 16x16x8 and 11x11x8 sections. I've set up on the diagonal because of this configuration (though I have rotated arrangements a few times and will probably do so again).

The room configuration also accommodates the guitar practice area though I have another room upstairs for my primary music room.

I'm in process of building a new/better equipment rack. It will probably be wall mounted - at least for the turntable. The glass rack is too unstable, although it's very convenient to be able to wheel it out to change connections.

I will be editing and adding comments over time, but this is my initial offering.

I added the TAD 60 and am stunned by the result. It drives the Mani's nicely (though only at adequate, not at high volume levels). I'll keep it here for a while and may eventually move it to another system.

Components Toggle details

    • Sony DVP-NC555ES
    DVD/CD SACD Changer
    • Meridian 508.24
    Primary Source
    • Pink Triangle Original
    analog source with achromat
    • Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista
    mini Tube preamp
    • Lehmann Audio Black Cube
    Black Cube SE
    • B&K Components M-200 Sonata
    M200 Sonatas with Mini-Platinum mod from Musical Concepts (John Hillig)
    • Totem Acoustics Mani 2
    Full-Range Monitor with Beaks
    • REL Acoustics Storm mkIII
    crossover at 29Hz
    • Audience Maestro
    primary IC, but have some DIY in use too
    • Totem BiWire
    this is an early version with 8 runs of Tress, not 6
    • Guitars Fender PRS Bennett
    part of the collection
    • Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
    40 watt all Tube combo amp
    • Belkin PF-60
    AC conditioner
    • PS Audio various
    power cords
    • DIY Amp stands
    Pennsylvania Bluestone 2
    • Tube Audio Design TAD 60
    Recently acquired for another room, but I'm running it here and am pleasantly surprised by the performance, especially by the ability to drive the Mani's.

Comments 9

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Do you reallt a sub with those totem speakers? In the future I would like to buy a pair of 2nd hand mani-2 speaker but I'm not to eager to add a sub.
