
Getting back into 2-channel Audio after an 18 year hibernation.

Finished my basement and built a dedicated listening room.

In the past few years, I've met a load of helpful and wonderful friends who have advised me and given me the ability to hear lots of equipment I never would have had a chance to listen to.

Components Toggle details

    • Nick Doshi Alaap Preamp
    "Purist"-version full function preamp. Includes MC or MM phono-stage input and 1 other input (Single Ended or Balanced). JJ gold-pin ECC99 Telefunken (The Fisher) 12AT7 JJ gold-pin ECC83s
    • Tenor HPS-150 Amplifier
    Hybrid Stereo Amplifier. Output Transformer-Less topology.
    • Custom (OMA) Slate Turntable
    With help from Jonathan Weiss (@ OswaldsMill Audio), I designed and built this Slate table. The initial designed borrowed parts from my Teres (bearing, platter, motor).

    However, I added flexibility to the design to enable me to add different motors (Papst w/ Mark Kelly Analog controller) and different platter/motors (Technics SP10).
    • Teres 320 turntable
    Rosewood Plinth and armboard. Teres's composite platter (much better than the acrylic platter on my previous Teres 265). Includes Cocobolo-housed Reference Motor. Holographic mylar tape as drive belt.
    • Kuzma Airline tonearm
    Linear Tracking Air bearing
    • Ortofon A-90 Cartridge
    Moving Coil cartridge
    • Zyx UNIverse X-SB
    Incredible cartridge. Easily the fastest, most dynamic, resolving cartridge I've ever heard. Great in every way. No deficiencies that I've been able to hear.
    • Studer A807 Mk.II Reel-to-Reel
    Reel to Reel Deck
    • Bottlehead Eros Tape
    Tape preamp to allow direct connection to the R2R repro head
    • Kharma 3.2F CRM speakers
    Incredible transparency and accuracy. Imaging is unreal. Focal tweeter.
    • Kharma CE 1.0 subwoofer
    Matched w/ the Ceramique 3.2
    • Bel Canto CD-1
    Great soundstaging
    • (RAKK based) custom DAC
    Home made DAC based on the RAKK DAC circuit. Custom changes to allow A/B evaluation of different CCS (Constant Current Sources) and other components. Will be made into a proper chassis when A/B evaluation and voicing is complete.
    • Nordost Valhalla speaker cables
    3 meters
    • Nordost Tyr Interconnects
    1 meter RCA between DAC and preamp
    • Shunyata various Powercables
    Anaconda and Python Alpha Helix

Comments 27

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Nice matched gear. Can you post some pics.
