
Hello all,

My system has been many years in the making and I'm extraordinarily pleased with where it is now. It satisfies my major requirements of Hi Fi: even tonal balance, great imaging, surprising dynamics and scale for its size, doesn't favor a particular type of music and, above all, it's reliable, quirk free and always works when I want it to work (I have zero tolerance for quirky gear). It is of course no "assault on state of the art" and certain areas of performance can always improve, but it performs well beyond its price point and never fails to connect me to the emotional context and organic nature of music. My future plans include upgrading my turntable, cables and interconnects but for right now I just couldn't be happier with it. Comments, questions, concerns, anecdotes and poetry are always welcome and appreciated. Thanks for looking!

Components Toggle details

    • Sim Audio Moon Eclipse
    Two chassis CD player with PSX power supply. It's a smooth, well-balanced player and of course a great synergistic match for the P5 and W5; especially when run balanced.
    • Sim Audio Moon P-5
    A great preamp. Quiet and flexible.
    • Sim Audio Moon W-5
    190 wpc. It's well-known for being able to deal with and control very difficult loads. I'm sure the DeVores aren't giving it much of a challenge, but they sure seem to respond to it when I crank up a little Crystal Method!
    • Rega Planar 3
    Classic budget deck
    • Rega RB-300
    The reason why the Planar 3 is the 'table that it is.
    • Monster Genesis 1000
    A very low output moving coil cartridge designed by the man who is now making ZYX carts. Smooth and quiet.
    • DeVore Fidelity Gibbon Super 8
    Killer two-way floorstander in ebony/bird's eye maple. Over the past four years I've had 16(!) pairs of speakers come through my living room - primarily because of work. For the most part, they all had their strengths. A few were ridiculously large for my apartment and were not allowed to perform to their full measure. Others just didn't gel with my electronics or room and to be honest, there were also a couple of turds in there. After years of dreaming of the day I'd have an enormous listening room, I've finally learned to embrace my smallish living room as a great place to enjoy listening to music. Less air to move allows me to spend less $ on speakers. And these DeVores really let your money go a long, long way. I was prepared to spend close to double what the DeVores cost, but I feel confident that I couldn't have gotten more performance, or more importantly, more FUN! I can't say enough about these and heartily encourage folks in apartments and condos to give them serious consideration.
    • DIY/Cardas DIY
    Some DIY XLR cables a friend built from bulk Cardas wire - I wonder when he wants these back...
    • Kimber 8VS
    I've had this stuff for years and it's always done exactly what I've needed it to do...reach my speakers. I do have plans on upgrading my cables and interconnects within the next year. I've had great success mating the Sim product with Cardas and Harmonic Tech so I'm kinda leaning towards one of those.
    • Solidsteel H-5
    A very solid rack with reasonable isolation. I like its clean, smooth lines.
    • Second favorite throne in the house
    My new listening chair
    • NuVision NVX32HDUM
    An outstanding 32" LCD monitor. It looks fantastic through an upconverting DVD player and breathtaking on HD.
    • Didjeridoo 51 incher!
    Neighbors to Shaun: Didjeridon't
    • Neighborhoodies Sugar Hill
    Vive La Hi Fi!
    • How I Roll '03 Element
    Nerd Pride! (Sorry ladies, I'm taken!)

Comments 12

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Yeah, I started on alto sax about 18 years ago when I was 30. I have taken lessons on and off and am now taking lessons weekly again. My wife gave me a Yani 990 for my birthday and I love it.

Funny, but my stereo room is actually too damped to serve as a practice room. My horn sounds better in a much more lively environment.

Best, Randy


What kind of horns do you have there? Do you play?
