
It's been some time since I made any significant changes to my system.  I have listened to the Prima Luna Dialogue HP amps multiple times and have been intrigued but, my business was still recovering from the recession so I had to be patient.   Not one of my strong points.

Yesterday I had some time and was in the neighborhood near Upscale Audio's new store.  Talked to Kevin Deal for awhile and decided to take the plunge.  I traded in my Modwright KWA100SE, LS100 with Phono and my Rogue Audio M150 Mono Blocks today and brought home a new pair of Prima Luna Dialogue Premium HP Mono Blocks, new Dialogue Premium Preamp, Manley Chinook SE and some Nordost cables. 

I also recently purchased an OPPO 205, Woo Audio WA7 Fireflies with WA7 Tube Power supply and a pair of Audio-Technica ATH W5000 headphones.

Just unpacked and hooked up the new PL gear.  The difference is really amazing.  i realize it will be sometime before the amps are broken in but, I just listened to Kind of Blue (since it's an album I'm very familiar with) and I can say with confidence that the Nola Vipers have never sounded this good in my system.

Room Details

Dimensions: 15’ × 20’  Medium
Ceiling: 15’

Components Toggle details

    • Nola Viper Reference 3
    With external crossovers and optional isolation bases
    • PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Monoblocks
    In mono mode with stock tunes (for now!)
    • PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium Preamp
    Stock tunes (for now!)  I've heard Kevin might have some tubes for tube rolling.  :)
    • Pro-Ject Audio Systems RPM 9.1
    Pro-Ject 9cc carbon-fibre tonearm. (With DIY $2.00 Blue LED)
    • Lyra Delos
    low output moving coil
    Black faceplate (stock is a purple/gray?) with no rack mount holes and upgraded at the factory cryo-treated Philips PCC88s.
    • OPPO UDP-205
    • Benchmark DAC1
    • Denon DVD-3910
    DVD Audio-Video/Super Audio CD Player
    • Woo Audio WA7 Fireflies
    2nd Gen. With the tube power supply
    • Audio-Technica ATH-W5000
    Closed headphones

Comments 22

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Very nice system and congrats on the Rogue mon blocks! The one thing that you could do that would take your system to another level is, upgrading your speaker xover networks. No doubt that it would make a big improvement in the overall sound of your system and speakers.

I just finished upgrading a fellow Candian's xover networks. Of course, I've upgraded all my speakers also. No doubt, upgrading the xover networks gave me more sonic improvement that any type of cable I've ever bought. The only two things that brought as much sonic improvement as upgrading my xover networks were my Audio Magic Stealth Matrix and my restored Eico HF-81 int. tube amp. The introduction to tube gear has been amazing, especially when you put in those great European vintage tubes.

