Overall a great sounding system, that has reached incredible heights from when I started in 1999.
Still have a few things I want to accomplish. I would love to get my interconnects and speaker cables switched over to Argento Audio(Achieved 2009, but in 2012 also discovered Echole Obsession Signature). Also want to try a move up to the next level of Wyetech Labs amps, the Sapphire's (Achieved 2012). Next need to improve my tonearm, something like a Triplanar, Phantom, Ikeda, or Schroeder(Achieved 2008). Plus a few other smaller tweaks like some Silent Running Audio stands for my amps(Achieved 2009 with even better Appogg stands).
Once I accomplish those things I think I will be able to say I am completely happy and content, honestly. (Realized this is a complete and total lie, 2012)
Now that I know I am seeking even higher performance levels, my new upgrade list includes:
1) DPS/Ayre upgraded turntable powersupply
2) Speakers are becoming an eventual upgrade, but I do love me some Offrandes
3) Better rack, probably custom designed piece, we'll see
4) Want some Transparent Septimus's diffusors or something like it to go between speakers on front wall
5) Dedicated panel and isolation transformer - Torus, Equitech, or something similar
6) Improve ethernet in-wall cable that is actually in the audio system pathway from NAS
(Need to add new pictures, still)
9/1/20 most upgrades made to system, plus a lot more