
My journey began when I bought the Bryston to supplement my 2-channel listening in my receiver-based HT. A little over 2 years later, after countless hours and significant financial outlay (for me), this is the result and I couldn't be happier.

I was hoping to create a neutral, yet involving system that sounded good to excellent on all types of music. I feel I have finally reached one solution in a well-balanced package at my price-point.

I suppose here is where I utter the infamous, audiophile last words, "I think I'm done for now." I will admit the quest was alot of fun, but I intend on using this new instrument to explore all kinds of new music.

For at least the next year, I will have to limit my audio habit to tweaks and room acoustics. I tried to include enough pics to illustrate my room challenges. All of the walls are concrete with a thin, textured covering, and the floors are all marble.

The wool Persian rug helped significantly, but I can't quite tame the bass. The lower registers of the electric guitar are exaggerated and smeared. Is this the dreaded "mid-bass hump"? I have been playing with speaker placement - starting with the Cardas formula and adjusting from there. This has helped, but has not solved the problem.

All advice, comments, suggestions and criticism is warmly received. As mentioned, I plan on focusing on tweaks and room treatment, but I would consider hardware changes if they could be funded by sale of existing gear. If not, then perhaps after this upcoming year (after all, I'm only human, right? :^)).

Thanks in advance for any feedback. Happy Listening, Mark

Components Toggle details

    • Cary Audio Design CD-303
    303/200 upsampling CD/HDCD player. Digital input also used with Alesis hard drive.
    • Harmonic Technology Pro-AC 11
    2m with cryoed Futuretech IEC and plug
    • Aurios MIB 1.2
    Used directly under CDP
    • Alesis Masterlink 9600
    Pro 20Gb Hardrive CDR; use Cary as outboard DAC for play from drive
    • Absolute Power Cord 8ft
    Used on Alesis
    • Black Diamond Racing Cones MkIV
    Used under the Alesis
    • Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway II
    1m RCA
    • Joule Electra LA-100 mkIII
    Using NOS tubes recommended by Jud
    • BMI Whale Elite II
    1m used on Joule
    • Black Diamond Racing Cones MkIII
    Used directly under Joule chassis
    • Bryston 4B-ST
    250 WPC SS
    • Acoustic Zen Satori
    10ft pair, spade terminated
    • Dynaudio Contour 1.8 mkII
    Esotec soft-dome tweeter, 2 1/2-way with 2 4-inch drivers
    • Star Sound Technologies Audiopoints
    brass, 1.5 inch brass cones under speakers
    • Equitech 2Q
    Balanced power conditioner/transformer - also converting 230V to 120V.
    • Lovan Sovereign
    2 10-inch, 2 7-inch stackable, equipment stands

Comments 5

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Nice rig, you have done well. Your small bass hump may be a combo of: rear wall corners/rear port/bryston amp. You may get help by: rear wall treatment/port filter/add sub/change amp. Your idea of speaker and room tweaks first is right on the money as I feel your large rear port and somewhat inclosed rear area may be the problem to look at first, the large doorwall is also something that needs to be looked at. Check out member (Rives) audio site for help, good info.
