
At 28 years old, I have been into home audio for about 11 years now. This system is my work in progress and I have a long way to go before I reach my goal. I listen to about 30% home theater and 70% music. The better my system gets, the more I seem to listen to music. I feel that the Ayre / Vandersteen / Pranawire / Kubala-Sosna combo is a good one. Eventually, I would like to phase out the Kubala-Sosna and go all Pranawire.

Most people have never heard of Pranawire, however, after trying the top-of-the-line offerings from over 30 cable manufacturers, I believe that Pranawire is of the best out there regardless of cost.

Future upgrade list....

1. New Fujtisu 50 inch plasma tv

2. ARC Ref 110, 220, or Ayre MX-R monoblock amps

4. Salamander triple 20 equipment rack

5. Additional room treatments

6. New speakers (maybe Vandersteen 5As)

7. Surround sound components

Components Toggle details

    • Ayre Acoustics V-5Xe
    Fully balanced class A amp with evolution upgrade (150 watts X 2)
    • Audio Research Ref 3
    Fully balanced class A preamp
    • Vandersteen Quatro
    Four-way class A speaker with 300 watt built in subs. I am using them with the balanced crossover and they are amazing.
    • Modwright Platinum Truth Sony 9100
    This is a modified Sony 9100 player. It was upgraded to a Platinum Truth mod by Modwright
    • Pranawire Nataraja
    This is a pair of 1.5 meter Pranawire Nataraja that is being run from my CD player to preamp. Hands down, it is the best interconnect that I have heard. The company does have a higher level model, but I've never listened for fear that I will want to buy it
    • Pranawire Nataraja
    1 meter XLR from preamp to amp
    • Pranawire Realization Kensho
    I am using this Running Springs Audio Haley It really cleans up the grunge and lets the music shine through better than the Cardas Mongoose cable.
    • Kubala-Sosna Emotion
    I am running this from the Running Springs Audio Haley power conditioner to Ayre V-5xe amp
    • Kubala-Sosna Emotion
    I am using this from my Running Springs Audio Haley to my Modwright Platinum Truth Sony 999Es CD Player
    • Kubala-Sosna Emotion
    I am running this power cord from my Running Springs Audio to my power source on my Modwright Platinum Truth Sony 999ES
    • Kubala-Sosna Emotion
    Speaker cables with Kubala-Sosna Emotion jumpers
    • Running Springs Audio Haley
    Six outlet / 1800 watts of power conditioning
    • Auralex Room Treatment
    I am using 4 Auralex panels that are 2X4 feet and 2 inches thick
    • Shakti Stones
    I picked some of these up thinking I would give them a try and that I wouldn't hear much difference, but they cleaned up the sound nicely so I decided to keep them. I have three. I use one on my RSA Haley, one on the power source to my CD player, and one on the CD player itself. Each stone provides better results.

Comments 58

Well, I added in my new pieces (synergistic speaker wire, Ayre V-5Xe, and Arcam AV8) and the improvement was pretty drastic over my old pieces. (alpha core MI2 speaker wire, Ayre V-3, and Krell Showcase Pre/Pro). The system now has much cleaner sound. Also noticably improved is the air and overall dynamic nature of the music. Bass is much cleaner/tighter. The overall realism of the sound took a big step up. I also recently purchased a Synergistic Research Reference Master Coupler AC X2 for my CD player and a Synergistic Research Master Coupler AC X2 for my amp. They should be here within a week or so. I am hoping that they will make a big improvement over the SignalCable and stock amp cord that I am currently using on those units.


I thought the Magnepan with the Ayre was outstanding. I heard it off of a Sony SCD-1 and was blown away. The 3.6Rs were a bit out of my price range at the time so I decided to pass. I just got an Ayre V-5Xe and haven't gotten a chance to hook it up yet so I am excited to hear the difference over the V-3. I've heard it on other setups and it was quite large.



I too love your system. What did you think about the Ayre / Magnepan sound? What model did you audition? I'm on the lookout for a V-3 myself, as I heard the Ayre / Magnepan setup from a dealer in Houston and very much fell in love ;)


I would love to know how much difference it would make to upgrade my SignalCable power cords to something like Synergistic Research AC Master Active. Has anyone had any experience with this kind of upgrade? How about adding the quattro power supply?


Very nice system. I've been wondering what kind of system you're putting the SR Cables in. I hope things worked out. I'll bet your system sounds first rate.


It's interesting that you made the comment about the 2Ce Signatures. Until recently, I had an Ayre V-3 pushing the 2Ce Sigs. I found a good deal on a V-5xe so I bought it. I also just purchased some 3As that I am probably going to have upgraded to 3A Sigs.

I've heard the Ayre amps with Thiel, Vandersteen, Paradigm, Gallo, and Magnepan. I liked the Vandersteen and Thiels the best. For the money, I think the 2Ce Sigs are tough to beat. I liked the Thiels, but they are just so power hungry that I decided to pass since I only had the V-3 at the time. I've heard quite a few other speakers as well, but not off an Ayre amp.

I think the Vandersteens are very picky about the amplification, interconnects and wire, and placement. I've heard the 2Ce Sigs run off of some other amps, interconnects, and wire and thought they sounded terrible. I've also heard them setup in such a way that I thought they outperformed $5000+ speakers. With the right setup, I believe the transparency and resolution can be achieved.

I would not say that the 2Ce Sigs do anything fabulously like some other speakers. However, I think, unlike many other speakers, that they do everything well. I've heard speakers with great highs or midrange...others with great bass. To me, none of the full range speakers in the same price category pulled it all together. Just my opinion.


I'm surprised to read that you're driving Vandy 2ce with Ayre V-5. I've heard the v-5 drive the 3A sig, and it sounded excellent, but I'm surprised that someone with the money for V-5s would "only" have Vandy 2ce. Would you say that the 2ce is highly resolved and transparent? I'm wondering what other speakers you've heard with the V-5 and why you went with the 2ce. I currently have the Thiel 1.6 that I'm driving with an Ayre AX-7. THe Thiels are very good to excellent in many areas but the bass is a bit thin. I'd consider the 2ce but don't want to give up resolution and transparency.

[email protected]

Anyone have any suggestions on what steps I might take to better my system?


Showing 51 - 58 of 58 posts