
At 28 years old, I have been into home audio for about 11 years now. This system is my work in progress and I have a long way to go before I reach my goal. I listen to about 30% home theater and 70% music. The better my system gets, the more I seem to listen to music. I feel that the Ayre / Vandersteen / Pranawire / Kubala-Sosna combo is a good one. Eventually, I would like to phase out the Kubala-Sosna and go all Pranawire.

Most people have never heard of Pranawire, however, after trying the top-of-the-line offerings from over 30 cable manufacturers, I believe that Pranawire is of the best out there regardless of cost.

Future upgrade list....

1. New Fujtisu 50 inch plasma tv

2. ARC Ref 110, 220, or Ayre MX-R monoblock amps

4. Salamander triple 20 equipment rack

5. Additional room treatments

6. New speakers (maybe Vandersteen 5As)

7. Surround sound components

Components Toggle details

    • Ayre Acoustics V-5Xe
    Fully balanced class A amp with evolution upgrade (150 watts X 2)
    • Audio Research Ref 3
    Fully balanced class A preamp
    • Vandersteen Quatro
    Four-way class A speaker with 300 watt built in subs. I am using them with the balanced crossover and they are amazing.
    • Modwright Platinum Truth Sony 9100
    This is a modified Sony 9100 player. It was upgraded to a Platinum Truth mod by Modwright
    • Pranawire Nataraja
    This is a pair of 1.5 meter Pranawire Nataraja that is being run from my CD player to preamp. Hands down, it is the best interconnect that I have heard. The company does have a higher level model, but I've never listened for fear that I will want to buy it
    • Pranawire Nataraja
    1 meter XLR from preamp to amp
    • Pranawire Realization Kensho
    I am using this Running Springs Audio Haley It really cleans up the grunge and lets the music shine through better than the Cardas Mongoose cable.
    • Kubala-Sosna Emotion
    I am running this from the Running Springs Audio Haley power conditioner to Ayre V-5xe amp
    • Kubala-Sosna Emotion
    I am using this from my Running Springs Audio Haley to my Modwright Platinum Truth Sony 999Es CD Player
    • Kubala-Sosna Emotion
    I am running this power cord from my Running Springs Audio to my power source on my Modwright Platinum Truth Sony 999ES
    • Kubala-Sosna Emotion
    Speaker cables with Kubala-Sosna Emotion jumpers
    • Running Springs Audio Haley
    Six outlet / 1800 watts of power conditioning
    • Auralex Room Treatment
    I am using 4 Auralex panels that are 2X4 feet and 2 inches thick
    • Shakti Stones
    I picked some of these up thinking I would give them a try and that I wouldn't hear much difference, but they cleaned up the sound nicely so I decided to keep them. I have three. I use one on my RSA Haley, one on the power source to my CD player, and one on the CD player itself. Each stone provides better results.

Comments 58

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Best sound from Quatros I have heard is with Ayre amplication. Hope to make same move that you plan at some point in future. I have Wood CT edition. Really curious to hear original since Vandersteen for longest time advocated against enclosed cabinets. Thanks for sharing pics and experience with your intelligent system.
