Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 18’  Large
Ceiling: 17’

Components Toggle details

    • Tidal Audio Piano Cera
    Tidal’s smallest floorstanders.  Finished in piano black. Nice compliment to the Vitus Electronics.
    • Vitus Audio SS-101 MK II
    Always operated in Class A.  Currently running as an integrated.
    • LUMIN S1
    Streamer/DAC in one chassis.
    • Sablon Audio Panatela XLR Interconnects
    Game changers.  These displaced Siltechs. ‘Nuf said.
    • Sablon Audio Panatela
    Speaker Cables
    • Sablon Audio Gran Corona and petite Corona
    I’m using exclusively Sablon Power cables
    • JL Audio E-110
    I have a pair of these but they’ve been disconnected since I received the Tidal Piano floorstanders.  Once I’ve evaluated my low end needs, I’ll decide whether to re-integrate subwoofers.
    • Wadia 830 - GNS Reference
    Reference upgrade performed by Steve Huntley of Great Northern Sound.  I can’t remember the last time I used this component.  I’m exclusively streaming Tidal HQ these days.

Comments 18

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Perhaps Lyndorf's DPA-1 will do the trick for you,or the RP-1 which I think will spawn a digital version in the future. I have spoken to Peter Lyngdorf and this man has some nice insights. He says the inputs and outputs he uses are practically non sensitive to cabling so this suits your tastes too I think. The system I described earlier was wired with about a 100 dollars worth of cabling.




I have heard a complete Lyngdorf setup with sub(s?, which uses elaborate room correction, it was by far the most impressive system I have ever heard cosidering the price! Sure it did not beat a 100.000 Dollar sytem, but it was right up there costing about 15%.



Really nice, real creative setup.

