Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 18’  Large
Ceiling: 17’

Components Toggle details

    • Tidal Audio Piano Cera
    Tidal’s smallest floorstanders.  Finished in piano black. Nice compliment to the Vitus Electronics.
    • Vitus Audio SS-101 MK II
    Always operated in Class A.  Currently running as an integrated.
    • LUMIN S1
    Streamer/DAC in one chassis.
    • Sablon Audio Panatela XLR Interconnects
    Game changers.  These displaced Siltechs. ‘Nuf said.
    • Sablon Audio Panatela
    Speaker Cables
    • Sablon Audio Gran Corona and petite Corona
    I’m using exclusively Sablon Power cables
    • JL Audio E-110
    I have a pair of these but they’ve been disconnected since I received the Tidal Piano floorstanders.  Once I’ve evaluated my low end needs, I’ll decide whether to re-integrate subwoofers.
    • Wadia 830 - GNS Reference
    Reference upgrade performed by Steve Huntley of Great Northern Sound.  I can’t remember the last time I used this component.  I’m exclusively streaming Tidal HQ these days.

Comments 18

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hey art, hey for speakers, plinius is a great match with sonus faber and dynaudio, both of which i've heard and i own dynaudio 2.8's (and don't care to switch) along with the plinius sa-201. always loved vandersteen and sometimes miss my 2ce sigs.

i have tried a ton of ic's and best for plinius deal goes to au24, analysis plus solo crystal and vh audio pulsar. but, best goes to siltech (i even purchased a pair from artg)....i actually like the g3 series better than the g5 (haven't heard the sq110 and can't afford the g6).

i'm still checking out speaker cables, but really like the bear labs silver thunder (bettered ap oval 9, xindak, dh labs and audioquest). i am looking forward to trying ocos (recommended by dyn) and a full zu cable ic/sc with varial/libtec soon....kind of a cable junkie i guess.

best pc i found for the plinius (tried many) goes to vh audio! way to go! i have the airsine.....second goes to the inexpesive giant killer audience powerchord whic is a little more forward than the vh airsine. kinda curious over the new dcca and never tried electraglide....liked elrod eps3sig too.

keep on rockin' and enjoy the tunes along the way.

"one good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain"
