
I've built this system after a number of years and a lot of trial and error. After going through many modern tube and solid state integrateds in the $1k -$3k range the Scott came around and really amazed me with it's bandwidth and musicality.

The cables and tweaks all help the sytem reach it's full potential bringingout a very open and transparent sound.

The Vecteur is the latest addition and it is quite a player. Excellent extension at the frequency extremes and very transparent and accurate sounding.

The centerpiece of my system really are the Carolina Audio Speakers.. They really have to be heard to be believed. They disappear with an amazing coherence from top to bottom. Fantastic accurate bass. Simply the best speaker I have heard.

The system throw a wide and deep soundtage with excellent dynamics and tonal accuracy. I couldn't be happier.

Components Toggle details

    • Vecteur L4
    Beautiful French cd player with transformer outputs.
    • HH Scott 299(a)
    Classic 7189(super EL84) based integrated...18Watts
    • Carolina Audio JTM
    The wonderfully coherent combination of the Jordan jx92s in a tapered transmission line cabinet.
    • 47 Labs OTA Cable Kit
    24 gauge high purity copper with pressure fitted bare wire connectors. Sold as kit with Speaker cables.
    • AudioPrism Quiet lines
    Parallel Ac line filters. Set of four.
    • H.H. Scott LT 110
    Factory wired kit version of the 350b. A great tuner and a plesure to use.
    • Symposium Rollerblocks and Svelte Shelves
    Fantastic vibration control.
    Two sets of Rollerblocks with tungsten balls and Sveltes.
    • Audio Desk Systeme CD Lathe
    also pictured is the Bedini Clarifier. I also use Walker Audio Vivid CD treatment

Comments 7

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Hey Chel,

Too bad we live on the opposite coasts. I would love to hear how the Carolinas sound with tube.

How would you compare the Vecteur with your previous digital fronts?

