
I've built this system after a number of years and a lot of trial and error. After going through many modern tube and solid state integrateds in the $1k -$3k range the Scott came around and really amazed me with it's bandwidth and musicality.

The cables and tweaks all help the sytem reach it's full potential bringingout a very open and transparent sound.

The Vecteur is the latest addition and it is quite a player. Excellent extension at the frequency extremes and very transparent and accurate sounding.

The centerpiece of my system really are the Carolina Audio Speakers.. They really have to be heard to be believed. They disappear with an amazing coherence from top to bottom. Fantastic accurate bass. Simply the best speaker I have heard.

The system throw a wide and deep soundtage with excellent dynamics and tonal accuracy. I couldn't be happier.

Components Toggle details

    • Vecteur L4
    Beautiful French cd player with transformer outputs.
    • HH Scott 299(a)
    Classic 7189(super EL84) based integrated...18Watts
    • Carolina Audio JTM
    The wonderfully coherent combination of the Jordan jx92s in a tapered transmission line cabinet.
    • 47 Labs OTA Cable Kit
    24 gauge high purity copper with pressure fitted bare wire connectors. Sold as kit with Speaker cables.
    • AudioPrism Quiet lines
    Parallel Ac line filters. Set of four.
    • H.H. Scott LT 110
    Factory wired kit version of the 350b. A great tuner and a plesure to use.
    • Symposium Rollerblocks and Svelte Shelves
    Fantastic vibration control.
    Two sets of Rollerblocks with tungsten balls and Sveltes.
    • Audio Desk Systeme CD Lathe
    also pictured is the Bedini Clarifier. I also use Walker Audio Vivid CD treatment

Comments 7

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These speakers can be placed right up against the wall with no loss of depth or soundtage... that is part of the reason that they are only 4 1/2" deep. This is copied from the Jordan Website and explains the placement well. Also it is so refreshing not to have speakers that have to be way out in the room to sound right !

"Again, despite convention, there is strong argument in favour of placing the loudspeakers as close to the wall as possible. This reduces the time lag between the direct sound and the reflection from the 'virtual images' and substantially improves coherence and spatiality. (The ideal, but usually impractical, solution, is to mount the drivers in the wall where there would be no virtual image)."

A brought my speaker sover to a friends house who has the Audio Refinement integrated and they sounded very good.... so good that he has ordered a pair. Another feelow just posted his system with the Carolina JTM's and is using the 47 Labs gaincard with great results. The speakers are very accurate and neutral so I would just try and match the with components that have those attributes.


I'll answer a couple of questions.... Viggen the pictures of you set up with the JTM's looked great. The Vecteur cd player is quite a machine... very live sounding with a great level of detail, much more than my modded Sony 9000es not to mention bass extension and control which the Carolina's paas through beautifully.

Clueless... nice picture... looks like they're coming along. Ronnie said that he built those cabinets and they sounded good. You can see from the dimensions that his are a little deeper. He also made other changes with the damping and by tapering the line to give the speaker a deeper and more accurate bass response and make it more dynamic. The finish on the speaker is really first class.

I'm really not kidding when I say that you have to hear these to believ how they sound. Ronnie is a big blues fan BB King, Buddy Guy etc.. and has built a lot of transmission lines so you can tell that he like a speaker with some bottom end. You ought hear these on a good action movie... oh man.

I do listen to a lot of acoustic Jazz and the sound is great... the drums and cymbals etc... are very real and the acoustic bass presnts the most ideal balance of attack, string and body sound that I have heard. The bass lines move and really drive the rhythm and pacing. Not at all thin or boomy.

When you put on some good electric blues than the speaker gives you whats on the recording and will really play loud and clean.

Orchestral music is very nice as well with a high levels of detail. The speakers can be placed very far apart, I sit about 10ft back and have the speaker about 11ft apart with a very wide and deep soundstage and very dynamic.

What I really love about this set up is how transparetn and detailed it is whil still sounding very musical. It gives me a new level of appreciation for the musicianship of the artists that I listen to letting mere here the subtleties and nuance that really bring the recordings to life.

Clueless feel free to shoot me an email if you need any tips for set up etc.... also let the drivers break in a good while with some good bass heavy music.
