
A few minor changes for 2012, but first:

When I first put this system together in 1991-2, I was driving the Martin Logan CLS electrostats with a pair of 140W Audio Research M300 MkII triode monoblocks. The "subs" were a pair of Wilson Puppies driven by a Mark Levinson 23.5 through a Bryston 10B x-over. Later on, I sold the Puppies and the x-over and bought Kinergetics SW 800 subwoofers that were designed to match the CLS's (the "Mini Statement" system.) I never really liked them ;--( I recently moved into an apartment and sold all the Kinergetics stuff and my beloved ARC amps due to space limitations. Began driving the CLS's with the ML 23.5 (very nice) and was resigned to listening to the CLS's with whatever bass they could muster.

When Martin Logan introduced their own subs, I could tell from the physical layout of the three opposing woofers that they had potential, plus I just couldn't imagine Martin Logan putting more sluggish subwoofers on the market;--) I'd been an advocate of "two subwoofers" mostly for easier placement rather than for "stereo bass". But first I thought I'd buy just one ML Depth and see how it sounded. I put it in the middle, crossed over at a mere 35Hz. Incredible! Fast and seamless, just like the Puppies. The omnidirectional woofer arrangement really makes two units unnecessary for good imaging, unless you need more poop.

Four years ago, I bought a new McIntosh MC-275 MkIV in order to drive the stats with tubes again, and it's fantastic! (See my post below.) The Purist cabling and the Depth sub really completed my system to where I'm not making any changes. I have been trying different headphone gear lately -- just for fun!

So now it's summer of 2102, and due to the untimely death of an audiophile friend last year, I had the opportunity to try out some of his very fine equipment, before liquidating it for his family. Only one piece of equipment really 'stuck', and that was an Atma-Sphere MP-3 tube preamp. It is a fully balanced differential Class A design with an all-tube phonostage; 'all-tube' meaning no FET's and no step-up transformers! I'd always wanted to try a tube phonoamp, and I'd always wanted to hear what an MC cartridge (a 'balanced output' device) would sound like when amplified by a phonoamp with balanced inputs. So I got to hear both things at the same time! And now it's time for my incredible Levinson 25s phonoamp and 26s preamp to go to a new audiophile ;~) As a famous Guru said, "Once you get the message, you hang up the phone!"

So for the first time in eight years (2004, when I replaced my ARC SP-14 preamp with the Levinson 25s/26s) my system sounds brand new again! Unfortunately my own body just keeps getting older, so this might be the last time the audio system changes ;~)

Components Toggle details

    • Atma-Sphere MP-3 with phono
    Finally, a tube phonostage with balanced inputs; MC cartridge heaven! Replaced Levinson 25s/26s. I never thought that would happen ;~)
    • Mcintosh MC275 Mk IV -- Shuguang Treasure KT88Z power tubes
    Same as the Mk V (the latest 'un-leaded' version) with XLR inputs, detachable PC, and bigger power transformer. Current power tubes are even (slightly) better than my NOS Gold Lions; and only cost $400! The amp itself is a bargain, and its 95w/ch sound is delicious ;-)
    • HeadRoom Home Balanced Headphone Amp
    Drives headphones balanced! 'Crossfeed' feature eliminates 'hole-in-the-middle' effect common with headphone listening. Solid state.
    • Melos SHA-1
    The classic tube headphone amp/preamp from Melos. Better sonics than my HeadRoom unit ;~)
    • Goldmund Studietto Mk II turntable
    It's on a Target wall shelf. Has the JVC quartz-lock motor, Goldmund cones, van den Hul zirconium spindle oil. Replaced the springs with Pandafeet sorbothane isolators -- no resonance, no noise, great bass, direct drive rules!!
    • SME Series V tonearm
    Bought in 1990. Factory serviced in 2004 and installed new van den Hul MC-150S internal silver wiring.
    • Transfiguration Temper W MC cartridge
    0.5mV output, new double ring magnet (yokeless) design. Stunning fit 'n finish. Now broken after 150 hours. It produces an amazing black background against a sparkling top to bottom neutrality, with great transient response and holographic imaging.
    • Purist Audio Venustas Phono interconnect
    It's totally to die for! -- Increases the sonic value of your cartridge by $5000.
    • Wadia WT-2000 PS-2 CD transport
    Wadia's Esoteric Transport w/ the upgraded VRDS heavy-duty Teac platter.
    • Aural Symphonics Optimism V.2 ST glass optical cable
    If you don't have AT&T inputs/outputs on your digital gear necessary for using this glass digital datalink, then you're missing an unsurpassed musical experience from your CDs!
    • Wadia 27 DAC
    Sounds great w/ the AS Optimism 2 glass cable. May consider GNSC mods later on.
    • Nakamichi CR-7A audiophile cassette
    Basically, a Dragon that doesn't reverse (Thank God!) Bought it new with mics and mixer yet!! Analog rules!!
    • McIntosh MR65B stereo FM tube tuner
    Bought it (very) used in 2007 and had it refurbished. Total $700, more than 2X 1962 retail! Amazing sound.
    • Martin Logan CLS IIz full range electrostat
    Owned these starting in 1991 (as CLS II's) Installed new panels 3/11 and they sound better than ever! The Sound Anchor stands improve both the bass (cleaner) and the mid/highs (transient response.) What a difference!
    • Sound Anchor CLS speaker stand
    They get the CLS's off the floor for better staging and keep the panels from rocking, improving the transients (even when I thought they couldn't get any better!)
    • Martin Logan Depth subwoofer
    Better transient response (faster) than the (larger) Descent due to it's smaller, lighter woofers. See my remarks below.
    • Purist Audio Venustas RCA and XLR interconnects
    RCA (1.5m) connects phono preamp to preamp. XLR (8m - 25 feet) connects preamp to amp.
    • Straightwire Maestro RCA
    An 8m pair preamp to subwoofer.
    • Purist Audio Venustas 2.5m speaker cables
    My last speaker cables!
    • PAD Venustas/Dominus, Aural Thrills and Audio Metallurgy power cords
    Purist for the amp and CDT, other stuff elsewhere.
    • ExactPower EP-15A / SP-15A power units
    The EP is a power regenerator. It supplies the amp, sub, speakers, and the SP balanced power unit. The SP supplies the source devices.
    • Studiotech Performance Series shelf systems
    One of audio's best bangs. Price includes shipping. Easy to assemble, great looking and solid!

Comments 157

System Update / Cable: I replaced the Madrigal CZ Gel XLR's between the DAC and the preamp with Purist Audio Venustas. WOW! What is it about those Purist cables!? Every time I install a pair, the system performance jumps to a new level -- however, I've now run out of places to put them (thanks be to God!) No, I don't even want to hear the Dominus -- just keep them away from me!


System Update / Cartridge: Got a new Transfiguration Temper W MC cartridge today. Of course it's already mounted and aligned. But I'm not saying anything until it's got at least 30 - 50 hours on it, then I'll write a review. (Well, OK, it's terrific, but that's all I'm going to say right now.)


Ncaudio -- I reread Greg's post and I'm not sure he was referring to bass dipoles, just dipole speakers in general (Greg?) however, I am very impressed with the wonderful performance I'm getting with a single ML Depth -- which is omnidirectional, and IMO even better than a dipole bass because it's "in phase" basically in all directions, and additionally tends not to excite standing waves between parallel walls, one of the problems with front firing subs.


Don't want to sound snobby, but i agree with Gregmacknass2, dipole bass is the best, IB bass is second and cabinet bass is third. I had a pair CLS II's in the ealry 90's, coupled them with IB bass using the basement as the enclosure and a single 18 driven by 250 watts or so, worked pretty well and no cabinet to look at. Used Veoldyne and Yamaha bass in other systems, built Linkwitz dipole bass for main system (8' tall dipole line arrays: seas excels, stacked 45" newform ribbons, DEQX triamplified) Dipole bass is the best; fast, detailed, dynamic and doesn't involve the room much. Look at it this way your CLS's are dipole, shouldn't you bass be too?


Filippo, as I expressed in my comments, I was never happy with the Kinergetics SW800. There are other CLS owners who like them very much, however. I think your REL's are much better than the Kinergetics because for one thing, they are newer technology, have their own amp, and offer much better contour adjustment.

With two REL's you might have a problem finding the best placement. If you want something better (faster) than the REL's, and also with a lot of adjustment capability, I think the ML Depth would be best. Because it is an omnidirectional design, imaging is no problem using just one, placed in the middle. The CLS doesn't really doesn't need that much bass support if is is being run full range (which I recommend). Crossing the subwoofer over at 30 or 35 Hz is generally sufficient for seamless sound.


I 've the clsII and two sub rel storm 3 with bryston 10b crossover,I would like to change the rel with kinergetics sw 800 sub.
What is the best solutions Kinergeticssw 800 or two martin logan sub?
you have a experience,plese send me a email
filippo( fardizzo)
can you search my system is into the audiogon virtual system
"the name is martin logan upgrade system"


Nice system you have there, I bet it sounds great. Dipole is the only way to go. Happy listening.


Showing 151 - 157 of 157 posts