
Actually i was having fun with some home depot plumbing terminations and out came these "milk churns". my wife thinks they look like .45 rounds. i swear the music got a little sweeter after they went in. either way i like how odd they are, so they stay. addition of a parametric equalizer taming about 5 room nodes didnt hurt either

Components Toggle details

    • Von Schweikert Audio VR-4 JR
    Dark cherry veneer
    • Emotiva RPA-1
    200 wpc solid state amp.
    • Benchmark DAC1
    reference da conversion
    • Alesis Masterlink ML-9600
    archives vinyl, records xm, great transport
    • Polk Audio XRT12
    XM radio tuner
    • AKG 701
    • Bellari VP129
    tube phono preamp with gain control
    • Denon DP-300f
    my first turntable
    • Behringer Ultracurve DEQ 2496
    Amazing what it can do for a room
    • Noistrapper Revelation II 8 outlet power strip
    star grounded, simple setup. sounds black. liking it, nice to reallocated expensive conditioner money elsewhere in system where it can be more readily improved
    • Cablepro insight 2.5m biwire
    outstanding value
    • White Zombie Audio ZeroPointZero
    1m xlr
    • White Zombie Audio El Chupacabra
    1m unshielded rca silver cable. no grunge or brightness at all. just music and resolution
    • Signal Cable Magic Power AC
    bang for buck. plugged into cd-e5
    • Element Cable AC cords
    excellent bang for the buck
    • Finite Element Ceraballs
    Confoundingly did nothing under the cd player, but i was quite pleased with the focus found when they went under the preamp. a bit pricey, but they did work. are much smaller in real life than in pics.
    • mapleshade heavyfeet
    • DIY Cable lifters home depot plumbing parts
    they resemble either a 9mm bullet or a short milk churn. i did notice a small increase in apparent depth to the soundstage and i like how they look
    • cardas myrtle wood blocks small size
    nice natural sound

Comments 43

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looks very nice wish i had an extra beed room and your gear
