
The Amazon Refernz rekindled my love for vinyl after a 20 year hiatus. The VRS server wrings soul and beauty out of digital media. The Shindo Giscours and Sinhonias have brought me to the end of a long journey in search of my reference electronics. The Devore Silverbacks simply let the music come forward.

Update: Thanks to Matt Rotunda, I just upgraded to the Shindo turntable. Pictures to follow.

Update: Mach2/Amarra software/Amarra DAC replaces the VRS/JRiver/Lynx/Antelope Clock digital front end.

Components Toggle details

    • McIntosh Mach2 Mac
    2010 Model. Running latest version of Amarra software.
    • Amarra Model 4
    Pro Audio DAC
    • Shindo Silver
    DAC to Preamp
    • Shindo 301 Player
    Garrard 301 based reference turntable
    • Auditorium A23 Hommage SUT
    Reference quality step up transformer for low output MC phono cartridges
    • Shindo Silver
    SUT to Preamp
    • Shindo Giscours
    Hand made, full function preamp
    • Shindo Silver
    Preamp to Amp
    • Shindo Sinhonia
    40 WPC F2A Push-Pull Monoblocks
    • Auditorium 23
    Hand made. 2.5 Meters. Separate windings for + and - wires. Cloth-wrapped.
    • Devore Silverback Reference
    State of the art 3-way design. 20 - 40kHz frequency response.
    • Shindo Mr. T
    Isolation transformer

Comments 67

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Good description of what you hear with your turntable, It's obvious you're a music lover.

Sorry I did not see your system earlier, it's an embarrassment to have skipped over it when it's so nice. Sometimes the new Audiogon format causes me to just glaze over rather than read everything :^).

Your wife did an incredible job with the design, does she like to listen with you?


I just found your system, it is absolutely beautiful.
