
This is my first go at a quality System. At some point I will update my amp to seperates but at this point I am totally happy. Amber seems to drive Mani's well except Rock & Roll at excessive volume's when it gets a bit muddy and clipping can occur.Only at more than 95% of amp output. I mostly listen to Blues and world so plenty of volume for that. The Amp upgrades in mind are Plinius SA 250 or 300 MK 4 , Sim audio W-5, Music Fidelity KW 500 . Haven't looked into Pre yet. Speakers are moved into marked spots on floor when listening. Speaker placement has been tricky as the room is open on one side and Large glass sliding doors on the other.

Components Toggle details

    • Arcam DV79
    DVD DVD/A CD Player
    • Music Hall MMF-7
    Sits on 3/4" Marble
    • Totem Amber
    S/S 120W per Channel 240 into 4 Ohm
    • Totem Acoustics Mani 2
    Sit on Custom Made Black Marble Stands
    • Totem Bi-Wire
    Bi-Wire 20 Feet
    • Sim audio LF-A & LF-S
    Line Filters
    • Redgum RGPH-2
    Phono Stage
    • Wireworld Equinox 3
    All Interconnects
    • Rotel RLC 1040
    Power conditioner over/ under voltage protector

Comments 2

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I've been looking for an Amber amp for some time. Have you compared it to a Simaudio integrated?
