
It was either this or buy food for the kids, what the heck, they ate yesterday...




Components Toggle details

    • ZYX UNIverse
    I just replaced the Airy 3X sb, and as much as I liked the Airy 3, the UNIverse is simply that much better. I can't wai till it's broken in and doing everything it should. It has so much more weight and authority, and speed.
    • TriPlanar VII
    black and silver. I've never seen an arm so versatile and easy to setup.
    • Sota Cosmos sIV (the first one!)
    Black plex finish
    • Pass Labs X-ONO
    Excellent industrial chic. Nearly as quiet a phonostage as money can buy, with great sound reproduction.
    • Pursit Audio Design Venustus
    1.5 meter interconnect.
    • Sony SC-D777es
    sacd, 1 bit. Modded by Richard Kern in Dec 2005. added new superclock and replaced all caps with Black Gates. The sound is much less 'digital.'
    • Purist Venustus
    1.5 meter IC
    • Klyne Audio Arts 7LX-3.5b
    This is upgraded to newer than the 3.5 version and includes balanced inputs. VERY musical.
    • Purist Dominus, 4 meter
    4 meter pair of the liquid filled Dominus between the pre-amp and amp. The best cable I have ever heard.
    • Classe Audio Omicron
    350 wpc, nearly 300lbs! IMO this has all the benefits of SS w/o the harsh realities. Much more musical than the Krell FPB 700cx I had previously.
    • Purist Dominus PC - 2
    Using two Dominus PCs on the Classe amplifier
    • Purist Venustus
    1.5 meter pair
    • Harmonic Precision Caravelle
    Smallish two way with the original stand.
    • Sistrum SP-1 (?)
    I bought five shelves with the solid top for the Sota Cosmos table. This is a great rack. If a person spent twice the money they might be able to get something better, but is it twice as good? The picture is just the top shelf. [url][/url] gives more info.
    • Purist Venustus PCs (2)
    On the Sota power supply and the Klyne power supply.
    • Exact Power EP15A
    I don't know what this thing is doing, but it sure does it better than the Tice Power Block...
    • Custom made Brass cones
    A machinist associate agreed to make several sets of brass cone to use under my phono stage and pre-amp

Comments 145

Tobias, I thank you for your kind words. For all the posts I put on here I wonder if anything I say is really useful. I know I have learned a lot from some of the 'class' members of this forum, but they are far more knowledgable than I.

As of this morning I have purchased an active pair of speakers, accepted an offer on my Krell, and have a friend interested in my Kharma speaker, along with some Purist ICs. This will help with the debt issue, but I might not have a system that would make my comments credible (most of what I say is incredible anyway) anymore, but I'll still stir the pot from time to time!


Nrchy, my system started out the same way. It was supposed to be a budget system. (It's all my buddies' fault things went this far.)

I don't know what brings you to think of going the other way, but your strong presence here has been very helpful to me, and I wish you all the very best.


poilaucul, I had to laugh at your comment. You might not believe it, but this started as a budget system a long time ago. See how things get out of hand?!?

Greg, I have plans for making some corner bass traps. I just haven't done it yet. I guess if I sell my amp and speakers it won't really matter anymore.


I did not advocate the newspaper or fiberglass as a permanent fix. They can however give you a temporary idea of the benefits of tube traps. If it improves your sound them toss 'em when you can get the real thing.


Budget system?!!!!!!!

[email protected]

Tube traps in the corners behind your speakers would be a good place to start. It looks like you have standard wood paneling with suspended ceiling acoustic tile.
Believe it or not some people actually like drywall over some type of insulation. I can't see if you have some type of area rug to prevent floor reflections.
The question is are you having any problems? If not don't worry. Some dealer should be willing to lend you a pair of tube traps to see if it sounds better. If not here is a trick. Stack newspapers as high you can in both corners.
Another trick. Go to home improvement center. Get rolls of unfaced corning insulation. Stack them to the ceiling in the corner. They will take it back.
I would like to hear what others think.


All first reflection points have sound panels located in those spots, and the back wall has a set of baffles as well as sonex. What else do you think I need?


wood paneling is not the best surface. are you having any problems? if you are so include room treatment might help.



It might be as soon as today that I put an ad here for the Krell FPB 700cx, and the Kharma speakers. After that, I'm not sure what I'm going to be required to do

I don't like the sound of that my friend. I sincerely hope all is well at your household and with your health.


It could go that way for me too, dear sir. If so, I too would part with amp and speakers before sources. The TT will still sound good through a boom box.

Makes me think of a science fiction story by ( Cordwainer Smith ? ): great fortunes made and lost in the first hours of the night. If you must sell, I wish you good prices and fine buyers.


Tobias, thanks for the input. Unfortunately right now I'm probably going in the other direction. Finacial obligations require the sale of some gear. It might be as soon as today that I put an ad here for the Krell FPB 700cx, and the Kharma speakers. After that, I'm not sure what I'm going to be required to do.
...the fortunes of war huh?


I have a Klyne preamp myself, an SK-5A (with built-in phono), and I couldn't agree more about musicality. (I would say your rack looks real nice too, but that wouldn't be very original.)

Your system must sound really good. About the Benz upgrade idea, I went from a Glider in my tweaky RB300 to a Cardas Heart Reference and was delighted, especially with the spectral balance (read: more bass). To me, the Glider now seems great value but your superb preamplification would do justice to even better. I am hoping to go to a Koetsu myself, with an arm upgrade.


I got them from TWL, if you're interested. They make a set for the Sota Star.

Give that rack some thought, or build one yourself.


Thanks for the infor! Its a really nice rack. If your floor is concrete or otherwise very solid, I believe that your rack did help the rest of your electronics. Although quite solid due to Calif. earthquake standards, we have a suspended wood floor, so with that and the Sota suspension, I have not yet taken the coupled rack route for vibration control. But each time I get a Mapleshade catalog in the mail I think about it. In the meantime, I think I'll try to find some threaded brass cones for my Star.



The rack is a DIY piece. I made the shelves and bought the threaded rod, washers, and nuts.

I really did like the Brass cones under the star. The sound was tighter and better defined with them in place.

The Star might not need to be coupled, but the rack seemed to help the rest of the electronics placed on it. Or maybe I'm just deluding myself. I still like the new rack. I like having things in the system that I have made.


Is that a Mapleshade rack? Did it improve your sound? I also have a Sota Star series III TT and have been using a cheap (Sanus) rack because I thought that the Sota hanging suspension did not need a heavy, coupled rack. Also, did the brass cones under the Star help?



Ooops, sorry Nate.
On the subject of cartridges, why not try another manufacturer Shelter, for example?


Nrchy was the first person to use the HiFi mod on his tonearm, other than myself.

Nice system, Nate.


I was the first, or second person (I think first) to get Tom's HIFI mod. It was worth the money. Tom is a very bright and innovative fellow!

I'm still curious about the Benz upgrade, but we'll have to see.


Nice system! Looks very solid and dependable -- probably sounds very solid too. It's obviously dependable, too, although I wouldn't overdrive the Kharma woof with that Krell (overdrive=earsplittin' volumes of course).
As in your other thread, you might consider modding the 777 (rather than investing in a new player -- Heaven forbid). I would do that first -- not because the system is lacking but just to get that extra source performance the speakers are capable of revealing.

As to the analogue I'd be b/ween two stools about overmodding the existing arm -- other than trying twl's mod perhaps (Tom would know better). I'm not so sure about the cartridge change either: the GLider is good and seems to like the 900 arm. I would consider an arm+cartridge change in the future. After all, the TT should sound very good as is.


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