
A system I put together when faced with six months living in a hotel room, and not wanting to wear headphones all the time. Any audiophile who finds themselves spending hours a day in front of a computer should seriously consider a simple system like will listen to a lot more music.

Components Toggle details

    • Audioengine Model 2
    Self-powered speakers
    • Cambridge Audio Dacmagic 2
    DAC with USB input
    • Apple MacBook Pro

Comments 3

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In the spirit of quality on a budget, I just saw all the free music players listed in the latest edition of The Absolute Sound. For zero dollars you can have Audirvana, Songbird or Play. For $33 you can get Decibel (good - I've tried it) or for $20 you can get Fidelia (also good).

I think all of these will play 24/96.


This is a basic system that would make any audiophile happy (or mostly happy).

I bought these speakers for my daughter and was amazed at what $200 worth of audio could sound like.

Another 99 bucks towards Amarro Jr. would go a long way.
