In the office went the more vintage pieces, where they complement the old boatanchor Collins radio gear (Mom bought those for Dad for Christmas the year I was born). A while back I rearranged the office, consolidating all the ham gear on one side of the desk, and adding an Ikea cabinet (clearly the choice of discriminating, yet budget-conscious audio mavens the world around!). I shortened the Ikea piece by 1-1/2 "units" to leave room for hanging some guitars on the wall. The wife approves of the aesthetics, so here is how it will stay. Oh and yes, the rightmost KT88 on the amp is popped. I think the power supply caps have finally let go on the 275, and will be replaced soon.
Collins is a timeless treasure. I was really surprised to see this picture among the hi-fi stuff. I bet most of the readers have no idea, how the distorted 300Hz - 3 kHz audio can sound better than the best vinyl played on the $150,000 turntable. To me, a weak signal from JT-land on 160 meters off my Icom is more pleasure than a loud 24/192 recording coming through my Amarra/Weiss/McIntosh/YG acoustic system. But it's just a hobby, anyway. Actually, both of them ;)