
The best SOUND so far!

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    • Krell KPS-25sc
    • Krell FPB-700cx
    power beast - needs at least 20 amps to itself...
    • B&W Nautilus 802
    • Velodyne HGS-15
    On BrightStar BigRock base with BrightStar LittleRock on top.
    • Siltech CAST
    better than stock Krell Cast.
    • Nordost Valhalla
    2.0 meter biwired with Nordost Genius connections at speaker end.
    • PS Audio P-600
    updated with MW-II

Comments 11

Showing all comments by cedhz.

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Very nice setup! I was wondering if you could comment on the effect the Sound Anchors had on the Nautili. I own a pair myself, and have considered the Sound anchors as a method of enhancing their sound. Did it mellow the sound or make it more detailed and analytical? I am trying to make mine a little more mellow in the treble, as it can get hairy on some recordings/setups. Thanks in advance, Carlos
