
This is my reference system because it sounds fantastic and I never change it. The Cary was purchased in 1996 and replaced a Pioneer receiver which sounded very Ho Hum. It was instant magic and any attempt to upgrade power cords, power conditioners, interconnects, speaker wire has resulted in worse sound. So, I leave it alone.

The only changes over this time period were a new TV, custom cabinet (which sounded a bit better) and new carpet.

The system has a certain zip to it that is addictive. The room is 10x14 and bass is -3db at 31hz so it fills the room. Overall frequency balance is excellent.

Components Toggle details

    • Cary Audio Design SLI-50
    pure class A integrated outputting 30 watts per channel with E34L JJ output tubes
    • Triad Design System 3
    3 piece satellite system, 2 way sealed box monitors, time aligned, 89db efficient, 70 watt sealed box woofer
    • Sony 608esd
    1989 vintage cd player, 2nd from top of the line, ladder DAC, still sounds great, flawless reliability
    • Yamaha T-760
    vintage tuner, sounds OK
    • Chicago stands unknown
    all steel, spiked top and bottom, not filled
    • Sony Came in the box
    nothing impressive to look at, sound better in this application than the expensive ones
    • Radio Shack 16g
    el cheapo copper wire, about 5 strands per leg, unterminated
    • Michael Green Room Tunes
    panels with absorbtive side out directly behind the speakers in the frt corners (the only room treatment used)

Comments 3

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Love the 'giant killer' unassuming systems. Prob helps that the room is small and intimate. Any difference pulling the speaks away from the wall?
