
Small media room, love how it turned out. Tried Harbeths with an AR tube amp, a few other iterations, and had to get some Maggies. I'm happy again!

Components Toggle details

    • VPI Industries Classic Turntable
    Wow, this thing is great. I think my turntable search has ended. I am always skeptical of glowing reviews, and I never did really like the VPI Aries that I had, maybe I never got it set up correctly, so I don't know I bought this table, but it really is special. Sounds like a really nicely updated and renovated Technics Classic table with better range. I love it.
    • Cary Audio Design SLP-98p F1
    F1 version with all the upgrades, it's a great piece of gear, sounds great
    • Magnepan Super MMG
    the listening room was too small for full on Maggies, and the Harbeth's sounded nice, but I missed the Maggies so much I thought I would try the Super MMG system in this small room. Very hopeful
    • Bryston 4B SST-2
    supposed to be a perfect match for Maggies, we'll see. I had the 7Bsst's with some 3.6R's before that sounded fantastic, so I'm hopeful
    • Oppo 105
    I'm so happy with this machine, it does everything I could want and more. I use it as my video processor as well, for home theater. Great gear.
    • Spetlz Level 2 Shielded
    I needed a long Turntable cable run, so thought I would try these, given the low cost/great word of mouth. I was shocked when I used them for my other components before the turntable was hooked up. Great sound, very open, powerful. I changed all over to these. It may just be synergy with new gear, but they sound great.
    • Speltz Anti Cables Level 2
    after my experiment with the Anti Cable interconnects I switched my speaker cables as well. Great choice!!
    • Soundsmith VPI Zephyr
    FANTASTIC!! This extremely well sheilded cartridge, without any break-in, already has been stellar. Gone is the hum from my very nice Grado Statement cartridge, but very similar warmth and depth.
    • Definitive Technology Supercube SC 4000
    Huge sound from a 10" cube. Very fast, with 2 passive radiators. I got hooked on these subs, after using big Rel's, and Velodyne DD's. Great sound and value, super flexible.
    • Apple TV 160gb
    Why use anything else?? Could audio get any easier???
    • APC s15
    does it all
    • Drobo DroboShare
    Infinite Storage and backup for music files, cheap security for all your files.
    • Epson 8350
    Excellent Projector
    • Elite Screens X200
    Inexpensive, yet great looking screen.
    • Gingko Cloud 11
    • Mye Stands Stealth
    For the MMG's, these worked really well on my previous 3.6R's

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Thx Macdad. I knew I was getting something wrong. That makes a lot more sense. Well let us know how you like the Grado Ref 1 with the Graham Slee SUT. Sounds like you are having a good time seeing what the VPI Classic is capable of. Enjoy.


So Macdadtexas, you are using the Graham Slee Elevator SUT with the grado Reference 1 cart and running it thru the MM phono on the Cary SLP-98P. Is that correct? If yes, I am a bit confused because the Grado Reference 1 Wood Body Phono cart is a 4.0mv output cart, in which case I don't know why you need the Graham Slee Elevator SUT. I am sure I am getting something wrong in my understanding of your setup. In any case, would love to hear the comparisons to the Sumiko Blackbird and what prompted the upgrade (beyond upgradeitis :-)). Thx for the feedback in advance and keep on spinning that vinyl. Thx


Thanks so much for that comparison - very helpful. I am considering it myself and this would be my first tt setup ever, so I also have to consider what phono and cartridge to mate it with but it sounds like you are having good results with the Sumiko Blackbird thru the MM phono stage of the Cary SLP-98p. I am glad you are enjoying it so much and it gives me added confidence to take the step. Thanks again.


Hi Macdadtexas. Congrats on the new VPI Classic tt. Can you provide your thoughts on how it compares to your prior VPI tt (I believe it was an Aries Scout)? How would you describe the main sonic differences? I am assuming you are using same phono and cart between the two tts, so this should be a valid comparison. Thanks a lot.
