
After a more than a year of leaving my system alone, the BUG hit again. I was asked to try Richard Gray's 400 AC Filter... well ok. When i got it home before connecting it I removed all HT components from the system. I also removed my HD Widescreen television which was in between my speakers and listened for a while... a long while. It was great my system sounded completely different without the tv and Monster HTS2500 filter. I then plugged in the Richard Gray unit and it got even better. Imaging, detail, transparency, dynamics and soundstaging all improved. As I was enjoying this new sound I started to think of all that I've been missing. I now want to further improve my listening experience. The weakest link (I think at least) is my CDP. So I hit the posts on Audiogon for suggestions and the Wadia 861 CDP seemed to have alot of great reviews especially when upgraded by Great Northern Sound. The next day I ordered a new Wadia 861 w/ the reference upgrade from Steve at GNS. I'm told it should take around 10 days. Great, thats 10 nights I won't be able to sleep. If there are any Wadia owners w/ similar equipment your input would be great.

Components Toggle details

    • B&W Nautilus 802
    B&W Nautilus 802 Speaker
    • Conrad Johnson Premier 12
    Conrad Johnson Premier 12 monoblocks.
    • Conrad Johnson Premier 16LS Series 2
    Conrad-Johnson Premier 16LS-2 Tube Pre-Amp w/ 6922 tubes.
    • Wadia 861b-GNSC reference mod
    Wadia 861b w/ Great Northern Sound Company's reference mod.
    • Adcom GCD-750
    Adcom GCD-750 CD Player
    • Silver Audio Appasionata
    Silver Audio Appasionata 1.5 Meter
    • Silver Audio Powerburst
    Silver Audio Powerburst Power Cord
    • Monster Cable M Series 2.4 bi-wire
    Monster Cable M Series 2.4 bi-wire speaker cable
    • Boos/Brass DIY 3
    John Boos / 5/8-11 Brass Rod 3 tier DIY rack.
    • Richard Gray 400s
    Richard Gray 400s AC filter MK2
    • Dedicated Circuits 120V 30A MC Cable
    (2) 120V 30A dedicated electical circuits w/ mc cable

Comments 15

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Steve, I'm interested in your comments regarding the 861b GNSC. What was the turnaround and are you running it direct to your Premier 12s? What source did you replace?
