
The rogers will covey their magic at lower volumes as well as loud.

Components Toggle details

    • Philips CDC-915
    single player
    • Dynaco Stereo 70
    Highly modified
    • home made tubed preamp diy
    A simple hard wired gain stage with 2 inputs.Employing A pair of nos 6sn7's for signal gain, a 5ar4 rectifier,nos 5Henry chokes and a pair of od3 regulation tubes for filtering the ripple of the rectifier. paper in oil coupling caps.
    • Scott 310 d
    vacuum tubed classic
    • Rogers LS-3.5a
    original 15 ohm versions
    • diy silver
    • cardas hexlink
    10ft pairs

Comments 1

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Hello Ecclectique,

I always wanted to build a system, based on old components, around the Rogers LS-3/5a. Seen yours, I thought to mate it with the Dynaco ST 70 stereo amp.
Could you tell me please if is it better for any reason the LS-3/5a at 15 ohms version then the ones at 11 ohms?.
Will drive the ST 70 the 11 ohms ones?.
I´m looking also for a good preamp for this system in the same league of the other components, what about Dynaco Pas 2 or 3?.
I live in Europe, that means that I have to use step down transformers because we have 220 volts, can it compromises the sound?.
If I wouldn´t use the Dynacos what other tube amp/preamp combination would you recommend to work with the Rogers?.

Please let me know a little bit about the sound you get with the Dynaco/Rogers.

As I told you in the Syrah forum, thanks a lot for your permanent and valuable information.
