
I've lucked into a real synergy between the Line Magnetic amplifier and the Merlin speakers-- I'm getting the timbral colors, spatial magic and organic flow of SET with all the PRAT I crave.

I posted in "Done for now," because I am not interested in replacing any of the components I have in place, but our attention does wander.

Components Toggle details

    • Line Magnetic 518-IA
    This integrated produces 22 watts from a pair of 845 tubes. Lots of low-end oomph, perhaps a little more than is actually there, but very tuneful and a great match for my speakers, which can be a little lean with the wrong electronics.

    The LM can use a wide variety of power tetrodes and pentodes as drivers, so after a good deal of experimentation, I've settled on 6V6 as the driver of choice ('50s GE Greyglass, Sylvania Chrome Top and surprisingly, newly made Russian Tung Sols, which are really really good and quite reasonably priced!). I sub in KT88s as drivers also, both original and Russian reissue Gold Lions.  For 6L6 types, I have tried and not really liked a pair of Shuguang Treasure KT-66-Z, but have yet to try Genelex KT66 to round out my experience. NOS WInged C EL34s were not my cup of tea at all.

    Current input tubes are PSVANE Treasure II 12AX7-T, which replaced both '60s Mullard CV4004s and Telefunken Smooth Plate 12AX7.  5751s were not to my liking.  Rectifier is a '60s Amperex-branded Mullard 5AR4.
    • Virtual Dynamics Power 3
    Power cord for integrated amp
    • Rega RP-6 Turntable
    • Dynavector DV-20X2L
    Low Output MC Cartridge
    • Heed Quasar
    Phono Preamp
    • Audience AU24-SE
    1M RCA connects Phono Pre to integrated amp.
    • Bluesound Vault 2 Media Server
    • Audience AU-24e Digital Interconnect
    Between the Bluesound Media Server and the Brooklyn DAC
    • Mytek Brooklyn DAC
    • Revelation Audio Labs Precept 2
    Power cord for the DAC
    • Auditorium 23 Interconnect
    1M RCA connects the DAC to the Integrated
    • Merlin Music Systems TSM-MME
    The Line Magnetic amp is an amazing match for these speakers. I've never heard them sound better.
    • Auditorium 23 Speaker Cable
    The 4.5M run was pricey but very much worth it. A great match for the Line Magnetic Gear.

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Congratulations on assembling your very nice system. The fact that listening to it compels you to play the piano along with it says quite a lot. Your music reproduction in that room must be devine. I wish Tboooe could have heard that Line Magnetic amplifier with his speakers (a reviewer has done this and raved about the sound ).I believe that he'd be pleasantly surprised.
