
Have  not updated this for a number of years.  have slowly been upgrading to get my vinyl and digital to where sound sis jus phenomenal.  I have been working with Jeff Fox and his team at Command Performance AV in VA.  Their insight and helps with room treatment, equipment set-up and thinking through power/grounding has been incredibly helpful.

I have put this system together over the past 10 years. Been through a bunch of amps, speakers, etc. I think the sound now is just where i want it.

I listen to about 70% 2 channel and 30% video (often sports where I am listening to music while watching).

I have 3 dedicated circuits and use an isolation transformer to improve mains power quality. Room is a bit small, but with treatments and current components sound is very clean with large, 3D sound stage.

Components Toggle details

    • Clearaudio Master Innovation
    Started with the innovation and upgraded to master.
    • Clearaudio Statement TT-1 tonearm
    Upgraded from TT-2 - much more a as supported on both ends
    • Doshi Audio Phono Stage
    New EVO design with separate power supply
    • Lyra Atlas
    • Ortofon Anna diamond
    • Clearaudio Accudrive
    super stable power supply for the master innovation. Bottom shelf, right side
    • Pass Labs XA 100.8
    • MSB Technology Reference DAC
    With very good passive pre amp; for my 2 channel and also as pass through for movies/TV
    • Aurender W20se
    Recently upgraded from first gen s10.  material upgrade
    • DeVore Fidelity Gibbon X
    Incredibly impressed by these
    • Marantz AVR
    use with marantz multichannel amp for surround sound through Dynaudio center channel and in-walls
    • Wireworld Speaker adn interconnects
    Speaker - silver eclipse 8; interconnect - platinum 8
    • Clearaudio TT-2
    working together with the clearaudio Da Vinci cart and absolute phone.
    • Nordost Q Core ststem
    have Q core grounding system to utilized on all components - made a huge difference on creating incredibly black, still back ground
    • Clearaudio Universal
    also a great arm, set up with Ortofon bronze
    • Clearaudio Absolute Phono
    This is a relatively new device from Clearaudio. Its inclusion has absolutely transformed my analogue front end. Basically, a small amp is embedded in the headshell of the TT-2. The phono stage itself is two boxes - power and then the phono stage itself. In the picture, they are the two black boxes on the left side of both middle and lower shelves.
    • Aurender S10
    Great music server. High build quality and great sound
    • Clearaudio Da Vinci
    super transparent. sweet spot in high end clearaudio line
    • Ortofon Cadenza Bronze
    For the price, an incredible performer
    • Musical Surroundings Nova II
    great phono preamp. Use with the universal/ortofon bronze. incredible value here. It is the black box, middle shelf, right side of the turntable rack.
    • Carver Cherry 180
    great sound and a powerful 180 watts. recently set up with Gold Lion tubes
    • Vapor Cirrus Whites
    Absolutely incredible monitors. I worked with ryan at Vapor over a period of several months tweaking and upgrading these. All silver internal wiring, dueland VSF silver caps and two bybee purifiers per monitor. I have them paired with 2 JL 110 subs. Ryan built an external crossover that blends the monitors and the subs seamlessly.

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Took the TT to the next level I see, haha. Someday I'd like to get a regular Innovation.
