
Well starting over is part of the fun. I changed a few things and went back to a strictly 2 channel system. Changed the room (house) and am very happy once again. Only change on the horizon is to run proper power for the Krells. I'll run 2 dedicated 30amp lines and use the NEMA 5-30 twist locks to connect them in. I'll run dedicated lines for the EMM gear at the same time too.

Any and all comments welcome as usual.

Cheers and happy listening.

Components Toggle details

    • EMM DCC2eSE
    A really great addition. Very detailed and revealing with a huge sound stage and pinpoint precision. Hooked to the CDSD SE via the OptiLink cables.
    Absolutely awesome Disc Transport
    • Krell FPB-650MC Mono Blocks
    Truly effortless presentation no matter whatÂ’s thrown at them.
    • Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 7
    These are truly amazing speakers. Dealer set up is recommended though.
    • Transparent Audio MW Ultra 8' MM Spades
    Amp to Speaker
    • Transparent Audio BML Ultra 10' MM
    From Pre to the main amp.

Comments 21

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Hi on the subject of the NEMA 5-30 recepticles for the 650-MCs have you looked into any companies that make a quality set for this application or are you just going to go with off the shelf I'm looking into it for my Oh Well I hate to mention 700cx let me know if anybody name dropped a good company or product the twistlok sounds interesting. At my other house I had run a dedicated 30 amp line however I used a large three prong like dryer receptical it seemed like it made a good connection sence the actual prongs were about a half inch wide but they weren't gold,silver,rodium,platinum and or polished in between neither were they cryoed interested on your input thanks


What are your thoughts on and reasons for switching to the 650mc's from the 700cx and do you plan on upgrading them to the 750mcx's or does Krell still do that upgrade?


Hi thanks for the info and your opinions on the CAST verses XLR. Have you checked with Transparent to see if they make a version of the CAST cable? The reason I ask is I got some feedback from the person that help me set up my Sophias and he has the same system that you have WP7s /700cx but he uses one of the Krell cd preamp units I think it's the Kps28sc and he had the same opinion as you on the Krell CAST version. I think he switched to either TARA Labs or Siltech and said there was a big difference in sound quality. Also in reference to production year of the KCT do you think it's parts upgrades or just firmware updates?


Hi how long have you been running the KCT in your system and how do you like it with the 700cx? I have a similar system except using sophias and a ML 380s was just thinking of changing to the KCT with advantage of using the CAST verses aes/ebu what are your thoughts or have you switched to CAST yet.
