
Well starting over is part of the fun. I changed a few things and went back to a strictly 2 channel system. Changed the room (house) and am very happy once again. Only change on the horizon is to run proper power for the Krells. I'll run 2 dedicated 30amp lines and use the NEMA 5-30 twist locks to connect them in. I'll run dedicated lines for the EMM gear at the same time too.

Any and all comments welcome as usual.

Cheers and happy listening.

Components Toggle details

    • EMM DCC2eSE
    A really great addition. Very detailed and revealing with a huge sound stage and pinpoint precision. Hooked to the CDSD SE via the OptiLink cables.
    Absolutely awesome Disc Transport
    • Krell FPB-650MC Mono Blocks
    Truly effortless presentation no matter what’s thrown at them.
    • Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 7
    These are truly amazing speakers. Dealer set up is recommended though.
    • Transparent Audio MW Ultra 8' MM Spades
    Amp to Speaker
    • Transparent Audio BML Ultra 10' MM
    From Pre to the main amp.

Comments 21

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The only ones I found were just Hubbell hospital grade plugs and receptacles, which seemed to work very well previously.


Hi Heykay, Bigamp,
Thanks for the comments. Truth be told I sold everything off during a divorce and just rebuilt everything from scratch. But with that said, there is no comparison between the 700cx and the 650mc mono's. Way more control, definition, air, sound stage....I could go on. Krell still does the upgrade but I don't think I'll part with these long enough to send them back. If a cap or resistor blows and it has to go back anyway, I'll probably do the upgrade.
I changed from an SSP60 to the KCT and that was a huge upgrade but going to the DCC2SE was even bigger. But that could also be the change from the 700cx to the 650MC adding into the equation. But overall the sound is great and tunes once again sound like they should.
Happy Listening.


System edited: The new 2 channel system. It sounds fantastic. The DCC2SE/CDSDSE are a great combo and I'm really glad i took the chance. I liked the sound of the CDSA and this combo is far superior in absolutely every way. Could it be the change from a Krell KCT to the DCC2SE.....of course. The picture sucks but its the best i could do with a BB.


Hi Lapierre,
I've thought about it. I heard an upgraded CDSA at a dealers but to really be able to comment I'd need to hear it in my system. The transport/laser assembly is far more solid that the previous version so it shouldn't be as prone to vibrational noise if a disc is slightly off balance.


I haven't tried the Transparent, or other manufacturers, CAST cables yet. I'm waiting for a pair to come up here so I can try them and not take a huge hit if I need to re-sell them. For the production year and upgrades to parts or firmware; I don't know if Krell made any changes. I just know how hot the Krells run and thought that if I could buy a newer unit for essentially the same money then that was better for me.


Hi Heykay,
I've had the KCT in my system for about 2 months now. It's one of the later KCT's built in Nov. 04. In terms of the KCT itself, running the way I have it configured now it’s one of the best Preamps I’ve heard. It integrates with the 700CX very well. I use Transparent Balanced Ultra MM but did borrow a pair of Krell CAST cables to see how they sounded. In theory they should have sounded great and that was the expectation I had, but I really wasn't expecting the result I got. Many people may take exception to what I’m going to say but in my system with my ears, I couldn't wait to get the CAST cables disconnected and out of it. It quite literally hurt my ears. There really wasn’t any big difference in background, soundstage, dynamics, bass response, detail, etc, but there was an analytical harshness that turned me right off. The musicality was gone. I believe there's a synergy that’s gained when you're running a complete system with matched cables and I lost that when I swapped out to the CAST cables. If you have the opportunity to buy a KCT……do so. You won’t be disappointed. I’d borrow a pair of CAST cables and see how it integrates in your system. If you’re like many people on Audiogon that have the KCT running CAST and love it it’s a bonus; if you’re like me and find CAST isn’t to your liking you can run the KCT with balanced cables and you’ve still got a fantastic Preamp. You win either way.


System edited: Added a dedicated preamp to my setup and finally found the missing link. Running the SSP-60 as a 2 channel preamp, no matter how good it is, was the limiting component for my 2 channel system. I am absolutely happy with the sound but would like to try the CAST connections just to see what improvement they may make. I looked at tube as well as SS and opted for the KCT.


System edited: Now that the CDP upgrade is done I can look forward to upgrading the Preamp. Looking at the Classe CP700, Audio Research Ref 3, VTL 6.5.


System edited: After listening to many CD and CD/SACD, players I ended up with the EMM CDSA SE. It was the best sounding out of any that I listened to. This included the Wadia 861SE and 581, dCS P8i, Audio Research CD3 mkII and CD7, Cord as well as several others.


I agree there is something special with the WP7 and a Krell amp. For the CD player, I'm narrowing the field down but may just delay a bit if there's a new dCS unit on the forefront. You got a smok'n deal on your P8i, in fact you picked it up for less than 1/2 what I've seen quoted. The EMM is similarly priced where I am too.


Thank you for the kind words. You're right the in-wall/ceiling speakers aren't meant to be at the same level as my 2 channel system. Unobtrusive they are and fantastic at reproducing movie effects.
I am actively pursuing room treatments, just having scheduling difficulties.
