
Finally completed after 35 years - That's what I tell my wife!

Paste this link into a browser for details

Room Details

Dimensions: 40’ × 16’  X large
Ceiling: N/A

Components Toggle details

    • My Current System Overview & details
    This link details my current system components and cables

    You'll have to cut and paste the above link into a browser - the link does not seem to want to work

    The site also has details on how to construct the Helix Cables in my system


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Well, the upgrades keep happening...

I've now replaced my much loved iMac/V-Link192/Bifrost streaming front end with the Bluesound Node 2. 

OK, so I hated the iMAC, but the V-Link/Bifrost combo was superb!

There was a noticeable improvement in SQ and I believe that will continue to improve as it burns in.

It's much more reliable and much less quirky, so now my wife can use it. but there are "warts", like playlist creation. But I can live with that for now and Bluesound seems to "move with the times", so I hope that will improve. 




Doukmall Dual USB Cable

This cable is really cost  effective solution to  eliminating USB related problems  where the attached components utilize USB power from the computer via the USB cable

It separates the power and signal conductors and allow you to connect a more stable power supply in place of the computers unstable USB power.

Here's the cable...

One side goes to the computer and the other to the power supply.

A very good power supply is...

Enercell 5V/1A AC-to-USB Power Adapter Charger


I've compared the power supply to a battery power supply and could not tell any difference in sound quality



DIY Power Cables

I've also adopted the Helix geometry for my power cables

"The Helix"

This is an excellent Power Cable - give it a try :-)



Since the Agon team is updating the system listing I thought I'd leave an update here.

Just completed my final IC upgrade to the following...

"The Mark V"

For a DIY cable they are amazing - best performing cable I've ever had.



Since the Agon team is updating the system listing I thought I'd leave an update here.

Just completed my final IC upgrade to the following...

"The Mark V"

For a DIY cable they are amazing - best performing cable I've ever had.



Since the Agon team is updating the system listing I thought I'd leave an update here.

Just completed my final IC upgrade to the following...

"The Mark V"

For a DIY cable they are amazing - best performing cable I've ever had.



Oranfoster - having the weight is positive from the following perspectives...
- stops slipping on the acrylic platter
- flattens warped albums a little
- couples the album to the platter

the net benefit is crisper dynamics and enhanced details

Even the weight received some "treatment"- I replaced the felt pads on the bottom with a ring of sorbothane - but on the underside 0f the ring I left the protective plastic film in place so it does not stick to the album. I think this does a much better job of absorbing vibrations.



Oranfoster - Glad you liked the DIY treatments - it's due to my inquisitive mind and frugal nature :-)

I guess I got a little carried away with the TT tweaks - but like you, I found Rega's perform so much better with a little TLC - Tender Loving Conversions :-)

I took a look at your system - what an excellent way to bring pleasure to your business. I'm not surprised that you received positive feedback - that is so much better than the normal chintzy "Musak" systems. A pampered customer is a repeat customer.

Maybe you should start a vinyl sideline :-)

Chat later


More Upgrades!

Well, I think I've finally come to the end :-)

Some last Upgrades...

Soundsmith Denon DL103 cartridge with Ruby cantilever and line contact
optimized contour stylus - superb!

V-Link192 USB-S/PDIF converter
- this has a significantly better USB implementation than that available from
Schiit. Together with an extremely good DIY S/PDIF IC, made from CAT6 with
Pure Harmony RCA's attached.
- This really shows just how good the Bifrost really can be

Power cables were completely redesigned
- see the new spiral design in the component list
- they improved the dynamics, details and image considerably

Interconnects were completely redesigned
- see the new spiral design in the component list
- they improved everything across the board whilst maintaining a very neutral
and transparent presentation.

I have Absolute Harmony on all analogue IC's and Pure Harmony on the S/
PDIF cable
- they are the best out there
- nothing much to look at, but man - do they perform.

Until the next one :-)



Well, due to some reviews undertaken in the last few months, my system
has undergone a significant cable upgrade

All power cables are now my own DIY braided cables using Furutech
conductors and Sonar Quest connectors

My Stager Silver Solids interconnects now have KLE Innovations Copper
Harmony RCA plugs on one pair and Silver Harmony RCA plugs on the
other pair

I have also added the Essence gZero Interconnect to the IC mix

And finally, my trusty Van den Hul D-352 speaker cables have been
replaced with the KLE Innovations Essence gZero2 speaker cables

Results - vast improvements in details, dynamics, image and most of all -

The beat goes on....


Thanks Scott - a friend suggested I start the blog - it saves me repeating myself in emails and it channels my thought process. It needs some updates in the power related entries though - coming sooooon!

We're looking at downsizing our house but one of the requirements for the new house is a dedicated listening room - it's gonna be interesting :-)

Chat later


I took the plunge and epoxied the dl103 to a brass headshell shim, following the lead of companies like Zu and Soundsmith

The result is amazing, more details, better sound stage, bigger sound


Since my system is forever changing I now have a blog that contains all the latest updates and tweaks - enjoy!

If posting my blog is against Audiogon policy please let me know or simply remove this response.


Dan - thanks for the feedback.

Do you know anyone that has dealt with Soundsmith?

I hear their stuff is wonderful

So I'm torn between a new tip or a new cartridge with aluminum shell

Can't quite afford the Soundsmith Wood shell treatment


Although the Gershman may be a superior speaker (never heard the Kef) and I love the sound that comes from them - very natural and deep - their customer service is a little "terse" to say the lease, but they did come through and honour their warranty, but tried to lay the blame on the level at which I play music at and they were a little tardy getting back to me

Not what I expect for a $4000 speaker


One possible upgrade in mind...

Once my DL 103 dies I will upgrade to a Zu DL103

I have heard many positive things about these cartridges

Anyone out there using one?
