
My objective is to duplicate the sound of a good jazz venue as best I can. I'll never match it but getting close is fine. I've had various audio components through the years and tubes particularly DHT tubes/ASSET have gotten me the closest.  So this is where I will settle down and appreciate.

Components Toggle details

    • BPT Signature 3.5 plus
    Balanced AC power is fantastic !! 1800va balanced isolation transformer/conditioner.  All aspects of music reproduction are improved for every single component.
    • Tripoint Tripoint Troy.
    A wonderful grounding box component. When added to my system it increased the sense of natural sound quality and emotional engagement. The Troy has a humanistic and “soulful “ quality to it.
    • Coincident Speaker Tech Total eclipse 2
    This wonderful speaker is transparent,open and involving. It`s large yet completely disappears as the source of sound within the room. Very easy to drive,94db and 14 0hm impedance (Minimum 10 ohm). I replaced the stock Solens capacitor with the Duelund CAST in the crossover.
    • Coincident Statement linestage
    Superb performance. In my opinion , a masterpiece by Israel Blume. As would be expected, a wonderful match with its sibling the Frankenstein MK II.
    • Coincident Speaker Tech Frankenstein mark 2
    A terrific 300b SET amplifier that is the foundation of my system. The EML XLS 300b tubes are a superb match with this amplifier.  

    Acquiring these 300b SET mono blocks changed the course of my music listening experience. They elevated the emotional engagement, tactility and “breath of life “ realism.
    • Yamamoto YDA-01
    Wonderful music lover's DAC that has a very natural/organic sound quality. Duelund CAST addition(output coupling capacitors) makes it sound even better. It has a very minimalist circuit/design that was implemented well.
    • Ocellia Silver Reference IC
    Very natural and pure sounding with excellent tone and timbre preservation.
    • Ocellia Silver Reference Speaker Cable
    Same qualities/ comments as the IC.
    • Star Sound Technologies Sistrum Apprentice component platforms..
    These Star Sound platforms are mandatory in my system. Effectively managing resonance and vibration leads to a very noticeable sound improvement with every component and especially the speakers. Excellent product.
    • High Fidelity CT1 Ultimate Digital cable
    A highly impressive digital cable that mates beautifully into my system. Contributes to the natural sound presentation.
    • Pro-Ject Audio Systems CD Box RS2T
    This is a superb Redbook CD playback transport. It’s both high resolution and impressively natural.

    . I’m  using the  excellent Fidelizer Nikola II LPS. Splendid pairing.  
    • Lavricables Grand and Master series Power Cables.
    Pure silver wire and unshielded power cables. These are used with all of my audio components. They are very open, transparent, high resolution with beautiful natural tone and timbre presentation.
    • Abbas Esoteric Audio 3.2SE
    Built by renown Ukrainian Abbas Zulfugarov. NOS DAC utilizing the classic Phillips TDA 1541 multi bit chip. Two 6080 tubes in the analog stage. 5 various rectifier tubes in the power supplies.

     3 separate toroidal transformers (And 2 chokes ) for the power supplies.A very serious and successful upper tier DAC implementation. Using with the Abbas SPDIF and power cable.
    • Frankenstein tubes.
    Tube complement 
    EML XLS 300b output.
    RCA 5U4G rectifier (1953)
    RCA 6EM7 driver (1960s).

Comments 1956

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I also love reading your system page and look forward to your latest findings Jet.


Joe, this is indeed a great place to be. Hard, so hard, to get here. Fun all along the way and so much learning.


Charles, I am leaving it alone. I decided to not mod the amp at all. It just sounds so good that I don't care about some electrolytic caps inside.

I will buy gear that needs work and mod, then sell to keep my DIY side happy!


I agree Charles. What is interesting is the fact that I have owned several very good 2a3, 45, and 300b SET amps over the years. Amps with James, Magnequest,and ElectraPrint transforms and very good power supplies. SET amps that were paired with SET appropriate speakers like Cain & Cain single driver horn speakers and Silverline.

But never have I heard the kind of natural realism I know have.I have arrived at a grouping of components that have a special synergy it seems.

I will go on record right here, right now, and say I will not break this system up for at least 6-8 years. Ha! Need to make myself accountable :)


Thanks Jeff!


Charles, I would post this on Jeff's virtual system, but he seems to hang here more! I know you are also interested however. These Psvane WE 845 tubes are amazing. I won't go on about them because you guys know what I am talking about. I am stunned by my sound and music with this special tube in my SET amp. The Yamamoto dac and my carefully chosen wire is giving me music like I have never experienced. No kidding. Count me in the DHT SET amp fan club. Never going back to anything else. Very special!

The natural realism is arresting and so exciting. I want to thank you Charles for posting your system and sharing your experience with the combination of gear you have. That is the reason I now have the Yami dac, PS Audio transport and DHT SET amp. Jeff, you turned me onto these Psvane 845 tubes! My audio friend John turned me onto some amazing wire and the result is easily the most wonderful system I have listened to.

I am thankful and blessed.


Jwm. I am planning to put upgraded fuses and internal damping material and will let you know about the results. Great sounding transport that responds to cables!


Ok Charles. PWT - Yamamoto dac w/upgrades - 845 DHT tube amp - nicely efficient two way speakers with simple crossovers = extremely delicious and natural musical delight!


Ok, with Kimber Palladian PK10 power cord and Sablon pure silver digital cable in silk, the PWT sounds wonderful. I am very much enjoying it with the Yamamoto dac. Beautiful combination that avoids sounding electronic, but rather sounds delicious.


Goodness, great price on that Yamamoto!




When one makes a system change it can throw off the fine tonal balance and require a cable change. Obviously the digital cable used with a particular transport is very, very important. I decided on my current digital cable because my system liked the warm character of it, but now my needs have changed. I know this PWT has great potential as I could hear and sense some wonderful qualities.


Very good Jeff and Charles. I have a very warm sounding digital cable that may indeed not be the best match. The good news is I have the outstanding pure silver Sablon digital cable coming soon. I bet this is the perfect match.

Thanks for responding as I think this is the missing piece of the puzzle!


Well guys I have the PS Audio PWT going and thus far it is a bit lackluster. It has been on over 3 hours and is resting on a Sistrum Apprentice stand. It sounds closed in, lacking dynamics, and a bit dull compared to the CEC TL 2X thus far. Easy going and tame so fatigue would never set in, but not very vivid or lively?

I keep thinking something is wrong. But all is hooked up properly. I like the units warmth, but it seems like a thin blanket has been thrown over my speakers?

I assume updating the firmware would do nothing for the sound right? I have to use the RCA out as my Yamamoto only takes RCA. Charles, I think you have the same situation. I am just thinking what could be causing this?

I will let it stay on and listen over the next several days before making a final judgement. The CEC is a great sounding transport for sure.

The PWT has nice depth and at times the little nuances are very nice. I may just need to acclimate to it's warm and comfortable sound.

Would you guys agree that the sound is more on the relaxed and warm side of things?


Well guys I did buy one! If the drive is loud I can easily replace it for $100 so no worries. I will compare it to my CEC. The owner also owns the Yamamoto Dac. Small world.


It seems to depend on how out of round the CD may be.


Ok, a seller just shared this with me on his unit. Honest guy and suggested it is an issue on some CDs only, not all. Seems it may be an issue on some units and not others.


I hear these PS Audio transports are noisy......CD spinning sounds like a mini chainsaw? I read this on 6 Moons and other owner told me the same thing? I would like to buy one, but? Your experiences?


Which CEC transport? I have a modified TL2X.


Good moves! I will look into your transport. I like the CEC, but I know your transport is very well regarded.


Very interesting comments. One would think a built in transport has a few advantages. No, never tried that. I suppose a very high quality transport and digital cable would help! Problem is cost!


Ok the answer to that question is interesting. The Romulus player is just wonderful. It has a bigger, bolder sound compared to the Yamamoto.

The Yammy & CEC combo, in the end, bring me closer to the performance. Performers and instruments carry more emotion and personality if you will. Less impressive and more real is the Yammy. Less impressive in sonic feats of strength, but less electronic sounding and more real sounding is the Yammy. Not that the Romulus is electronic sounding, but the Yammy just has this special realness in the way it conveys music. If one did not listen over a long enough period they would pick the Romulus every time.

However, with the Yammy, time spent with it draws you closer to it until you are hooked. The capacitor, RCA jacks and wire upgrades just put it over the top for me.


Charles, I placed some Jupiter copper foil caps in the Yamamoto and pure silver hook up wire. I also applied some anti-vibration damping material here and there and on top cover. The caps have about 24 hours on them and wow! Wow! The Yamamoto is playing even sweeter music.


Charles, the Yamamoto dac is really something special. All I have done so far was put SR Red fuse in it and I love this little thing. Glad I read about on your thread!


I think I should clarify. When I say the DHT amps sounds great in a less impressive way, I mean the nuances, tone and other important cues shine on the DHT amp. A quick a/b would leave the DHT the quick loser to almost all who listen. However, after extended listening I am drawn to the sound of the DHT tube amp. I am a tube amp lover in the end. Something about it is just more comfortable to me.....even though it is less sonically impressive with its feats of audio strength.

I thing for sure is I do not need more than the robust 10 watts I am getting from the design. Plenty of power for me.


In the direction of the letters? Left to right or right to left looking at the back of the amp?

I am liking the Yami a lot. Very nice DAC that brings you close to the music. It connects you or places you into the music.

The amp is very good and a trade off from my Samson SS Monoblock amps. I think the DHT set amp sounds wonderful and beautiful and enjoy it, then I put my Samsons in and....The soundstage grows by leaps and bounds. The detail retrieval is better with the Samsons and they are more extended on top. The Samsons illuminate more of the music's scale, inner details, pace and impact. They also sound beautiful.

Then I put the DHT amp back in and the music is more intimate, smaller and perhaps closer to me ..... Perhaps more involving......not sure just yet.

The Samson would score higher on all Aphile parameters we all know about. However the DHT amp is enjoyable in a less impressive way.


Charles do you recall the direction you placed your SR fuse in the Yami as I have a new SR Red fuse for mine now.

I also have some new Jupiter 1uf caps and some nice vibration control damping sheet material to place on the top plate and elsewhere as needed.


Thanks Charles. I was going to ask you that very question. I have both going right now and the music is beautiful!


Charles. I thought I had made a huge mistake when listening to the Yamamoto dac right off the UPS truck. Well let's say this DAC is starting to sound really good. Yes, I will mod it with better caps and vibration damping etc...

I also have my new DHT 845 amp in the house! I will report back on that once I listen to it. I had to replace the power switch and have not really listened to it yet. I was a little scared at power up as I have never owned an 845 amp. The tubes look like they could illuminate an airport! My goodness are they bright. No KT88 here! I did not expect that.


Thanks. They offer a kit in Japan and I would love to build one with Duelund or Jupiter output caps. I emailed them again and we will see. They sell for $1600 as a kit. The web page is in English so perhaps I have a chance!


Thanks. They offer a kit in Japan and I would love to build one with Duelund or Jupiter output caps. I emailed them again and we will see. They sell for $1600 as a kit. The web page is in English so perhaps I have a chance!


Charles, where can one buy your dac? My goodness I have tried to find a place and keep coming up short! I think it was once available as a kit? I did email the company website three times over the past 2 years with never a reply?

Can you point me in a direction?


Yes Charles you get get the same value with a nice Path Audio. While your in there see what value cap is on Zobel as that also has a nice impact on the sound.


Charles, great to hear how happy you are with the recent upgrades. Let me suggest something here and you can think on it. I am pretty sure your speakers have a resistor as part of a Zobel network. Please confirm. If so, replacing the sand cast resistor with a Path Audio resistor of the same value will absolutely thrill you.

Resistors in parallel or Zobel networks do in fact Impact the sound. Same is true of caps in Zobel networks. I know my Coincident speakers have these network, perhaps yours do?


I am hooked for sure and want to learn more.


Goodness I really like this Frank Morgan CD! Great music and musicians. The recording also sounds very good as an extra plus.


Charles today I listened to Charlie Rouse Unsung Hero. I also like this CD.
However the second one I listened to is my favorite to date. Frank Morgan Listen To The Dawn. Thus far I like his sound and style the most. He is very smooth, clean, and flows with ease and speed!

Like the guitar work also on this CD. I really like Frank's style. The flow is so beautiful and pleasing.


Agear, I will order that recording also. Thanks for the tip! Lots of good music on the way thanks to fellow Agoners.


Charles I am listening to Gerry Mulligan - Night Lights and just love it. This is exactly what I am looking for. Perfect.


Agear, thanks for the tip. I do like a glass of red wine or a nice Belgian lager with my music!


I just ordered all 5 from Amazon and look forward to hearing them.


Spot on description of what these caps have done in my Dude, Romulus dac and speaker crossover. They will continue to open up and reveal more goodness.

Thanks so much for taking the time to help me with jazz. I will order these recordings.


Yes to both! Big yes to both!



I ask a favor of you. I would like to listen to more jazz and want your guidance. I like jazz, but not the volatile nervous style. I hope you know what I mean here. I like more mellow and inviting. I tend to like sax that is not piercing , but more intimate.

Can you share 5 recordings for me to start with?


Thanks Charles


Charles, how loud do you normally listen to your jazz music? 70db, 80db?


I now have a Star Sound Apprentice stand under my Aesthetix Romulus player. Everything Charles stated regarding the improvement to his Troy is also true in my system now. Big fan of the Star Sound stands and racks and a long time user.


Charles the whole grounding thing is my current interest. I am reading a ton on it. Gosh I would love to hear the Tripoint stuff, but I will never own a unit based on the pricing. I am looking into building one. It's seems pretty straight forward, but I can see how the cost can add up quickly when buying large hunks of copper and other grounding box stuffers :).

What you and others have said about the impact is totally what I am into.

I will continue to ask and learn from others and read on the net. One day I will build a reasonable facsimile.


I would love to build a tube amp on a special made Sistrum stand that I would use as the bottom plate. The Sistrum stand/bottom plate would have channels running all over the place for tiny brass points and components to be mounted on. Large can power supply caps, transformers, tube stands etc....

I am ordering the Apprentice stand this week for my CD player.


Charles that is a better pic. Without looking under the board I don't know if direct connection is best, or if that leaves out a portion of the circuit.

My gut is your tech did very good.


Charles, I looked at your pic of the dac with Duelund caps for the first time today. Question? I would have wired the caps directly to the RCA outs and wonder why it was decided to go back into the circuit board instead? A direct connection would sound better for sure.

Love to see a better pic of your dac to look at the board better.


Thanks Charles


Charles I have a quick question. Seems you have two Sistrum stands under each speaker. Which models are they? Thanks much.


Charles, it turns out my speaker does have a 6.8 uf tweeter cap. The resistor is just part of a Zobel Network. The 3uf cap is for the midrange drivers. The builder was a nice help!


Charles, I wanted to let you know that I now own silver cables all around! I had told you I never heard a silver cable I liked. In the end they all sounded thin and a little whitewashed to me. You kept saying that silver does not have to sound that way and I decided to try one more, yes one more time.

I now have silver speaker cables and IC's. The brand is Amadi. This brand is way under the radar and a killer value. I have his Maddie Signature stuff and it is so smooth and natural sounding. Silver detail and tight bass with uncanny realism .......and body! Total opposite of thin! I did not think it possible with silver.

Well, I owe you thanks as your comments persuaded me to try one more time!


Charles, your SET ways caused me to try a SET amp, class A with no negative feedback. I am listening to a 45 tube amp and I am amazed 2.5 watts works so good with my speakers. The 45 has a very intimate and resolving sound. I am going to upgrade some parts and beef up the power supply a little as I like it! Great on the right music like vocals, some jazz and instrumentals.

It is a Korneff 45 clone made by Min at Tube Audio Lab. Fun little amp!


I had to post as seeing #666 post was uncomfortable.


Thanks Charles. This whole grounding thing is most interesting. It's amazing such a device makes a sound system more musical. I trust it does, but it still astounds me.

I am looking into lower cost units as a Troy will not be possible for me.

I am sure your music is glorious! Thanks for the updates on your system as I plan to use Sistrum's new stands and a grounding unit down the road.

As for fuses, well I don't like them and either bypass them altogether or build without them. I realize most folks would not be comfortable with this however.


Charles, were did you run the ground wires to? Which components and what part of the component? Thanks much.


I had the 101's on several occasions, but they are not a stable platform for speakers ....easy to tip over. One of mine did! They improved the sound wonderfully but.....dangerous!


Charles, which Sistrum product will go under your speakers? Will they be secure or more tipsy now? I am interested for my TVIII speakers.

The challenge is they must remain as stable as stock footers.....



Well my preamp has no fuses, but rather the on/off is a very high quality breaker. Works just like a fuse with no sound degregation .

On my current CD player modified my TRL and me, I have no issues bypassing the fuse. Not an issue and very little risk of there ever being an issue. So, no big deal on my digital source. I have been using this source for several years now.

Now, I also have monoblock tube amps made by Art Audio. They have fuses, I wish the builder knew how or had incorporated a breaker. I don't feel good about bypassing the fuse in these tube amps.

I may modify with a breaker soon however.

I feel the sonic improvement is on the order of a nice cable upgrade. I know several folks using copper rods in place of fuses in their class D amps. They also experienced significant sonic improvements in the order of a nice cable upgrade etc....

I would not run tube amps without a fuse or better yet - high quality breaker.


Tom, can you help me understand why magnets are used instead of a pure copper rod or bypassing the fuse by hard wiring? What about magnets are better if anything?

I know fuses greatly degrade sound and few really understand how profoundly they do.


My preamp has no fuse in it for best sound. I bypassed the fuse in my digital front end for best sound also. I know this is not a good idea in your amps.....

I played with fuses and found that whole process to be fruitless and a bit frustrating after extended listening. Best not to have them at all if possible.


They look fabulous for sure! Love to hear your system some day Charles.


I am most happy for you Charles. I have found the exact same results under my gear with the same 101 stands. These stands bring about the same changes to an even greater degree under speakers. This has been my experience with them.

I was able to secure my speakers so there is no chance of them toppling over. It was pretty easy with my speakers as they have threaded holes,on the bottom as many tower speakers have....

Post some pics when you get a chance.

Fun stuff!


I know this sounds nuts Charles and Andrew please chime in. I have found they sound best after the gear as sort do settled into place a day or so later.


Spirit, I have compared the Duelund CAST to the Duelund Alexander in my tube preamp and there is a night and day difference. The Alexander is not in the same league. I used the Alex cap for two years and they were very good. Once the CAST became more affordable I replaced the Alex caps and the improvement was profound. The Alex caps are not as resolving or natural sounding. The CAST caps are also far more quiet and refined.

If you can afford the CAST nothing will come close based on my caps rolling endeavors.


Agear is spot on. They are magic under speakers of your dimension. I actually secured mine to the stand using the threaded holes in the bottom of the speaker. I took a little thought, but I can show you how it may be possible.

I used them under several tower speakers to great effect.


I have the SP 101's under my speakers and they will never leave that position. No footer has come close to what these stands do.


Charles, which amp stand model are you getting?


Agear, I never looked that close at the picture and while it is quite blurry, it does look like a sandcast resistor. If so, that has got to go....


Amen to that! They continue to sound more natural and at ease with more time.


No, what others are most likely referring to is the absence of added resonance accross the frequency spectrum. More of the music's intended character and nuance comes through with far less unwanted resonance. Yes, even resonance that adds warmth, slight bloat, or other terms for perceived as organic.

These are like CAST caps Charles. You hear more of what actually is.....

That is my short explanation.

FYI, I just placed 4 CAST caps in my new Art Audio Concerto monoblock amps. Lovely improvement!


Charles, I use them under my speakers and have used them under amps. They are simply awesome. Improves imaging, more articulate bass and better focus.


Charles, also meant to say that I am trying some silver speakers cables in my system. Thus far I really like them. First time I can say that. Every other silver cable I have tried was tilted up top and thin sounding. This set is not at all like that, but very nuanced and let's me get more involved in the music.

They are Clear Day Double Shotbuns. I have two sets as my speakers demand true biwire or two independent sets of cables.


Yes, I have actually been tuning my room and reading on room treatment for a few years. I use GIK products. I have 8 corner bass traps in the corners of my dedicated room. In addition, I have two large diffusors directly behind my open baffle (Nola) Speakers.

I have 4 inch GIK panels placed at the first and second reflection points on my side walls. Behind me I have a wall bass trap and 2 four inch thick panels.

My speakers are placed on Sistrum stands that are some 5 inches high. They are great!

Now, Andrew's room has no treatments that can be seen. He utalizes a rather new concept that is very different from what I and others do. His room is cutting edge and state of the art in every way. It was designed from the ground up and I am not educated on it enough to describe it.


Charles, Agear has the best room I have ever heard by a million miles! Ha! I will let him share as the room is quite special and very technically involved.

It is amazing to simply listen to your own voice as you speak in his room. It is something one will take notice of in an instant. Every single piece of music I listened to was alive and vibrant in a way only the live event can match. Furthermore, that live event better be in an accoutically perfect venue!

Andrew was using radio shack wire and a mid -fi receiver as a preamp to accomplish this amazing musical event. Easily the most stunning audio experience I have encountered. When he gets his Dude and speaker wire, I simply cannot fathom what amazing music will flow.

The room is so darn important. It took me many years to learn and really believe this truth.

Andrew has something very, very rare and special going on with the marriage of his gear and room. Once my wife hears it, she will blog for weeks!


Charles, sounds like your DAC is pleasing you even more! You are just starting to experience first hand what can be optimized with a great starting product.

I am now learning about resistors and their impact on sound with a special comparison box I had made to load caps and resistors. I am able to insert these between pre and amp and hear the full signal through them. I will compare resistors and find out which ones are the most open and natural etc... I have a hunch Vishay makes a resistor that may be the CAST of resistors. I am talking about resistors for electronics, not speakers.

Happy to read you like the CAST mod in your DAC. It makes sense as the TOTAL signal is passing through those two caps in the front end of your system.


Look forward to your comments.


I do think you're a perfect candidate!


Yes, those are your output caps and the ones to replace. Now, will the CAST improve the sound? They should be a nice improvement Charles, but you must always leave room for the small chance that you like what's there better. Remember, the CAST is more resolving and perhaps you like a little fuzz for warmth.....

At some point, and to some ears, more resolution is not always wanted. CAST caps are not unnatural and have great tone and really get out of the way, but again they are more resolving.


Looking at the pics and reviews online. Just pop the top off and take a look at those black caps to read the value. It should be printed along the side.

I use a magnifying glass as my reading eyes are bad after Lasic surgery.
I read that these caps may have a black sheath over them. May need to pull off the cover....may read the printed value.


The smaller value CAST caps for electronics are all 630vdc and Parts Connexion has a great sale. The value will be printed on the cap. The tube version on your dac uses 1uf.


Thanks Charles. The two black caps on the board right in front of the RCA's are the ones to look at. They should be your output caps. You would only have two feeding the RCA outputs. Are the RCA jacks behind the caps the outputs? I bet they are.

I am speaking of the larger black caps that look rather plain on the board right in front of the RCA jacks. The values you are looking for would be small, 1uf or smaller for this dac. You would have two only - one per channel.

The board has 4 screws to remove. De-solder the caps from underneath with the board lifted. The Duelund CAST caps at Parts Connecxion have the same two wires on one end of the cap and will fit wonderfully.

If they are to tall or wide, I don't think so, then simply place the caps inthe large free space area by running wires from the board over to the caps.

Fun mod and looks easy in your unit. You can certainly confirm with the builder.


Yes those black caps (actually black covered caps) are your output caps and are very, very important. The total signal passes through them just before going out the rca's. Change those! They may have a black stealth covering the printing..

You also have some yellow film caps of pretty average quality on the larger board. These are 1uf and they may be looked at. They will not be as important as the black output caps however.


Thanks Charles. The two black caps on the board right in front of the RCA's are the ones to look at. They should be your output caps. You would only have two feeding the RCA outputs. Are the RCA jacks behind the caps the outputs? I bet they are.

I am speaking of the larger black caps that look rather plain on the board right in front of the RCA jacks. The values you are looking for would be small, 1uf or smaller for this dac. You would have two only - one per channel.

The board has 4 screws to remove. De-solder the caps from underneath with the board lifted. The Duelund CAST caps at Parts Connecxion have the same two wires on one end of the cap and will fit wonderfully.

If they are to tall or wide, I don't think so, then simply place the caps inthe large free space area by running wires from the board over to the caps.

Fun mod and looks easy in your unit. You can certainly confirm with the builder.


Here is another version that looks to be the same really.

Again, two output caps that are easy to replace and the case has tons of room. The CAST will kill those good Chinese caps....


Ok Charles I see many internal pics of your DAC. This should be yours, if not please load a link for us too see an actual picture.

You have two black output caps that look to be 1.0 uf 330 VDC. If this is your DAC, you have all kinds of room and it looks to be a very simple job.

Let me know.


fYI, my amp mod is easily reversed should I ever sell. I will try and find internal pics of your dac. I bet it can be done and be a nice step up.


Six? Perhaps in parallel? Perhaps replace with two larger value CAST? If not, I placed my Duelund cast caps in an outboard box as they would not fit in my amp. A nice rosewood mini box. Easy to do. You can find a nice wood box or metel or combo. Get what you think looks good.

All six can go in the outboard box. Also. You can mount off the board if the case has room anywhere else inside.

Be glad to send you pics of my amp mod.


Charles, just imagine what they would do an a position that impacts the total signal, not just the high frequencies. You can see why my preamp/amp mod was a revelation?!

Ok, your DAC uses two output caps that do impact the sound. They are most likely very small in value and affordable in CAST! You know where I am going....ya baby! The whole signal now improved courtesy of Duelund CAST.


Great designers don't necessarily have the time or passion for boutique parts. Frankly, many don't think they can make that big of a difference. The feeling is we Aphiles are just being our crazy selves when we play with different caps, resistors, inductors, diodes, wire etc... We are being typical Aphiles, but every once in a while we DO stumble on something the great designers don't know about. Open minded designers will learn and incorporate when possible. Close minded ones will ignore. Like all things human the world is full of both kinds of designers.

I have had the fortune of working with open minded designers gaining their very help on improving my gear - gear they designed and birthed.

These Duelund caps are very pricey and likely not feasible in modestly priced gear once all the mark-ups are added in. An $800 upgrade would cost the customer over $3,000 is most cases. If gear is sold direct from the manufacturer, then perhaps it is possible.

I just spend $850 on CAST caps for my amp. The amp retails for $4,000 and the improvement easily justifies the cost. The amp sounds much better.

I bet a large builder like Israel would pay far less then we do and there is no denying they make his great speaker even greater.


It looked like the inductors in the speakers were standard solid core copper wire/air core. No reason to only consider Duelund as the Mundorf or even the Goertz copper foil inductors are affordable and a nice step up.

I replaced the standard copper wire inductors in my speaker (like Charles) and the results were stunning with the Mundorf's. Bass is much improved, but much to my surprise the whole spectrum improved.

Charles should just enjoy what he now has for several months. I share this for the future as I know from experience inductor quality also matters as much as that one cap. My inductors cost $50 each. I would bet the larger ones in his speakers would still cost under $100-$150 each. My inductor value is 2.7mh.

The tone of these CAST caps is amazing. What struck me the most was how each instrument sounded more like itself. Instruments sounded more real and far less like a stereo system.


Well the placement of the cap looks like the work was really pretty easy. Nice job! Enjoy the sound!

I don't want to make you think too much, but Duelund also makes great sounding resistors and inductors also make a huge difference. I replaced the bass inductors in my speakers last week with Mundorf copper foils and oh my the improvement was from top to bottom. No kidding.

I am thrilled for you Charles!


Look forward to hearing your impressions. Please give it some break in as those are huge caps. They will open up more with time.


Well, are the CAST caps in your speakers Charles? Looking forward to your comments.
