Components Toggle details

    • Cary Audio DMS-600
    DAC/streamer w/internal volume control
    • Cary Audio Design SLI-80HS
    Triode 40wpc Class A, factory upgraded, June '24
    • Will Vincent Super 70
    Custom Dynaco ST-70 build by Will Vincent, March '23 - presently Gold Lion KT-66 or JJ EL34, NOS Amperex 7643, NOS 5AR4 Mullard Blackburn 1966
    • Tannoy Stirling Golden Reference
    new speakers August '19... great w/tubes!
    • Hubbell 5362
    dedicated 20 amp circuit wired w/10 ga. romex to 20 amp Hubbell 5362 outlet
    • JPS Labs Ultraconductor 2
    • JPS Labs Superconductor 3
    speaker cables & jumpers, Digital A/C-X on DAC, GPA2 power cord on amp

Comments 29

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Big year for changes which don't happen often.  Cary 303/300 cd player which I bought new years ago replaced by Cary DMS-600 run wirelessly via wi-fi.  Really enjoying streaming Qobuz with basic subscription and it's running flawlessly thanks to AT&T high speed fiber which was installed in my neighborhood.  Cary cd player sold but hanging onto cd's for the moment.  2nd was the arrival of the new Atma-Sphere class D GaNFET monoblocks which have been just fantastic with the Tannoys.  3 days of break-in and they just opened up into the best most natural sounding amps from top to bottom I've heard.  Dead quiet, cool running with startling dynamics at times.  These will replace my tube amp.  They have arrived.  Cheers!


thanks Bullot!  Do you know if they are effective on carpeted slabs?  Wood floor is in the future plans so I will check em out


thanks mulveling I am smitten w/these Stirlings they just keep gettin better 3 mos broken in now.  Ally used to lay right in front of them at high volumes, lol.  She musta had Tannoys in her previous life.  Enjoy the Holidays and your incredible, Pat


Thanks Dan for the kind words.  The Tannoys are here to stay as long as I'm listening.  Happy listening and best wishes for the Holidays and New Year....Pat


This system hereby dedicated to the memory of Roger Alan Modjeski who passed Dec. 11, 2019 and my faithful dog Ally who passed just 2 days before Roger.  Just when things couldn't get any sadder they did but hey that's life.


Thanks @islandmandan I'm just getting starting to learn about all the Tannoys and actually bought these blind at the recommendation of my friend who knows my taste, gear, room and budget which I stretched some but got a great deal I couldn't pass up.  Couldn't have worked out better!  My previous Coincidents sounded great out of the box and these easily bested those out of the box, incredible.  I need to research your setup and delve deeper thanks for the words of encouragement.  Happy listening, I think I may have found my last speaker.


New speaker day - now tell me what could be better?   Tannoy Stirling Golden Reference speakers arrived August 12, 2019.  Getting them dialed in w/the floor spikes and positioning.  Out of the box they exceeded my expectations and are a great match for the RM10 Mk II thankfully.  Plenty of silent power and the fidelity is startling.  Burning them in is a real treat.....cheers amigos!


I initially went w/Roger's recommendation & after a few days tried the 8 ohm taps for a few days. I do prefer the 4 ohm taps & have more than enough power & like the idea of extended tube life. I don't baby this amp & really like to push it hard at times & it doesn't lose it's composure - whatsoever. These Ei's will probably outlive me:) With your Merlins what's your take on the taps?


Thanks Zman for your comments...if you're ever up in gator country come by for a listen then tell me what you think. BTW, your rig looks like it's right up my alley, enjoy!


thanks Solman. Cary & the MR are both great amps w/the Coincidents. The MR is more neutral (less lush), much faster, quieter, more refined & resolving than the Cary. Perhaps closer to the truth, if you will, while keeping all the best attributes of tubes. My favorite amp to date. The chair is incredibly comfortable & is called the Charles Pollock (Jackson's bro) sling chair he designed in 1960 & built by Knoll.


Thanks Al. This setup is really satisfying & no plans for changes. The Edison gets played mostly for curious guests & it rests above my listening area w/the large weathered morning glory horn looming over the room. Glad you enjoyed Ben's Radio page. Happy listening Al, you've got an incredible collection.


Thanks for the kind comments fellas. Gadmanrdh - the Edison is a model B which originally sold for around $20 in 1905. I paid $600 about 10 yrs ago from a friend who is an avid collector & restorer of these machines. This one plays wax cylinders & plays just like when it was new.
