Components Toggle details

    • Cary Audio DMS-600
    DAC/streamer w/internal volume control
    • Cary Audio Design SLI-80HS
    Triode 40wpc Class A, factory upgraded, June '24
    • Will Vincent Super 70
    Custom Dynaco ST-70 build by Will Vincent, March '23 - presently Gold Lion KT-66 or JJ EL34, NOS Amperex 7643, NOS 5AR4 Mullard Blackburn 1966
    • Tannoy Stirling Golden Reference
    new speakers August '19... great w/tubes!
    • Hubbell 5362
    dedicated 20 amp circuit wired w/10 ga. romex to 20 amp Hubbell 5362 outlet
    • JPS Labs Ultraconductor 2
    • JPS Labs Superconductor 3
    speaker cables & jumpers, Digital A/C-X on DAC, GPA2 power cord on amp

Comments 29

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Hello Pehare,
I noticed you are using Atma-Sphere Class D amps on your Tannoys, and really enjoying them. I just finished building a stereo Hypex UcD 400 amp, and it's turning out to be one of the best sounding amps I've ever used with my Tannoys.

Glad to see how well the new amps are working out for you.



Pehare, I just now found that you replied to my comments the following day of my post. Sorry for my delay in replying. Sad about your buddy, Ally, and Roger Modjeski as well.

I'm glad to hear how well your Stirling GR's have settled in for you, and you have achieved long-term listening satisfaction.

Keep up the good work. Regards,


I have to congratulate you on your purchase of the new Stirlings. I got my first pair of Tannoys nearly fifty years ago. For various reasons, I wandered about in the wilderness for nineteen years, and finally some ten years ago, I found myself on the right path again. I built a custom pair of HPD 315 drivers into custom 150 liter cabinets, built custom crossovers, and replaced the foam surrounds with "hard edge" surrounds, as the current Prestige line uses. Due to recent changes in crossover component values, and minor equipment upgrades, I'm now enjoying the best sounding system I believe I have ever heard. Possibly.

I know that is a bold statement, but then I haven't been to but one audio show, the '07 RMAF, only have a couple of audio friends, and don't get out to audio dealers but maybe every five years or so. So yes, I do have limited exposure to fine audio systems, but nonetheless, I know what a great system sounds like.

I have heard the new GR series are very special, so I envision your system is sounding just superb. I've been curious about how my Tannoys would sound with the Musical Reference driving it, but the three amps I'm currently using are working quite well. They are: Class D Audio, modified Assemblage Audio SET 300B, and Audio Renaissance SET 845.

Sorry to kind of hijack your thread, but sharing the joy with other Tannoy lovers is something I just can't help.

Congratulations on your new speakers, with the other fine gear you have, I imagine your ears are feeling just great about now. Enjoy!

