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    • Cary Audio DMS-600
    DAC/streamer w/internal volume control
    • Cary Audio Design SLI-80HS
    Triode 40wpc Class A, factory upgraded, June '24
    • Will Vincent Super 70
    Custom Dynaco ST-70 build by Will Vincent, March '23 - presently Gold Lion KT-66 or JJ EL34, NOS Amperex 7643, NOS 5AR4 Mullard Blackburn 1966
    • Tannoy Stirling Golden Reference
    new speakers August '19... great w/tubes!
    • Hubbell 5362
    dedicated 20 amp circuit wired w/10 ga. romex to 20 amp Hubbell 5362 outlet
    • JPS Labs Ultraconductor 2
    • JPS Labs Superconductor 3
    speaker cables & jumpers, Digital A/C-X on DAC, GPA2 power cord on amp

Comments 29

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Hi Pehare, 
Your Will Vincent is absolutely stunning. As is the rest of your rig. Especially  the Tannoys! I honestly don't know if Will wired my ST-70 triode or otherwise. He told me it's putting out about 30 wpc and can handle 4 ohm speakers, if that helps. It was sold as a #6 Limited Edition. I'm currently running Sophia Electric EL-34s in it. It came with Tung Sol KT 66. I also have a set of blue glass JJ EL34C and Psvane EL34L. I will swap them all out for no reason whatsoever. I bought Zu DWs specifically for the amp. It's perfect synergy. 
