
Prior to living in my current home I had a dedicated listening room which was really just a spare bedroom. During that time all of my listening was with 2-way monitors in the nearfield. Pro-Ac, Audio Research, Wadia was my primary system. No turntable due to limited space. My current system represents a concept that I wanted to achieve by having a great system in a living room environment without all the equipment cluttering the room while being child friendly. I chose an antique Baker Furniture cabinet and configured a system that would fit nicely inside. All cables run underneath the floor through the basement. Wife is happy and I achieved the goal of not turning my living room into an audio nerd haven. The Bryston/PMC combo is fantastic too.

Components Toggle details

    • Steve Blinn Designs Equipment Base
    Custom bases for equipment finished in maple.
    • Bryston BDA-1
    • Michell Engineering Gyrodec mkII
    • SME 309
    • Shelter 501 Mk II
    moving coil cartridge
    • Bryston Bryston BP-26 and MPS2 Power Supply
    two piece preamp. no phono or dace option
    • Bryston 4B-SST
    Fully balanced amplifier 250 watts/8ohn 300 watts/4ohn
    • Wireworld Polaris
    Balanced/pre and dac single-ended/phono pre
    • Bryston 9 gauge
    Two separate runs/bi-wired
    • PMC OB-1
    Transmission Line Speaker
    • Steve Blinn Designs Equipment Base
    Custom built in maple finsh
    • Symposium Base
    isolation base for turntable
    • Apple/iOmega Mac-Mini
    Mac-mini with 2 TB of iOmega storage. One primary the second back-up
    • Richard Gray Power Company RPG1200
    Power Conditioner

Comments 13

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Thanks for the tip Samhar. I will try it for sure.


Thanks Sunnyboy. I bought the record clamp on Audiogon. Checkout TTWeights He sells a wide variety of record clamps. I prefer the weight to the stock Gyrodec. It is much heavier and you don't have to pull it to remove it off the record. The TTweight is similar to the Transrotor clamp which is excellent, but much more expensive.


I meant shout out.....


Not only did Jeff help me out with the mac-mini. He also set-up my turntable. Sorry for the non-shot out ealrier Jeff. BTW...where does it say in your posting that I helped you unpack and place your amplifier?


Thanks Dressprmex. Still pretty new to the music server, but so far I am extremely happy that I finally made the move. I am listening to so much more music and it really is true that you rediscover your music collection. I will be adding an iPod Touch shortly so I can browse my library remotely. I can't see myself spinning a disc again, unless of course the disc is vinyl.

Regrading the Bryston, I too was concerned about the amp not having enough breathing room, but the reality is that the amp runs very cool. I actually sent James Tanner at Bryston a photo of my set-up and asked if he had any concerns with the config. He assured me not to worry. However, I do agree that I am giving up probably a bit of performance, but this system has limitations.....especially with the long runs of speaker cable required. In any event, the system sounds great and it is a good compromise.


Thanks, your room looks great. I wish I could have a dedicated room like yours. Love the Harbeth's.


System edited: Forgot to add the RPG1200
