
This system has been upgraded in parts over a period of several years, starting in 2005, triggered really by a chance purchase of a pre-owned pair of ATC SCM20 passives. The upgrade bug took over from there :) ATC amp, bigger ATC speakers, upgraded sources, cables, tweaks, power supply etc.

The first major milestone was the completion of full solid state system with ATCs all the way. The second milestone added some tube gear to the system, that's where I am now :) This system will stay for a long while. Now to hunt down those old LPs and CDs and start to enjoy the performances :)

Components Toggle details

    • VPI Industries TNT mkIV
    With after market counter weight
    • VPI Industries JMW Memorial
    JMW 12.7 Memorial tonearm.
    • Ortofon Jubilee
    MC cartridge
    • Whest PS.20
    Phono preamp with MS.20 power supply unit.
    • Apple MacIntosh iMac
    Running the Amarra Mini player with iTunes as a database. Connected to the AMR CD 77's DAC via Ridge Street Audio USB cable. As close as it gets to good digital playback.
    • Ridge Street Audio Alethias!! USB Digital Master
    The Ridge Street engineer cautioned me, once you use this cable, you'll never go back to your old cables; he was right. Natural and smooth to the nth degree.
    • AMR CD 77
    CD processor
    • Audience AU24e
    For all sources : CD, TT and the Phono Pre.
    • Audio Note UK M-6
    Upgraded from the M-3, the M-6 is the entry model for AN's level 4 preamps. Beautifully made, truly engaging sound too.
    • Harmonix HS101GP - XLR
    From the preamp to the active speaker monitors.
    • ATC SCM-50asl
    Active monitors
    • Audience AdeptResponse
    Power conditioning for each of the ATC active monitors.
    • Shunyata Hydra 8 and cables
    I use Shunyata for all power supply needs (well mostly)
    • Shunyata Dark Field Cable Elevator
    Got a bunch of these to raise all the power chords that normally lie on the floor. Could not believe the air this added to the overall sound.
    • Harmonix RF 999
    Spike base. These drain away vibrations to the floor leaving the rack and speakers to do their job. It;ve tried many before, this one truly made a difference. Blacker backgrounds all round.
    • GuiZu Rp 10p
    Back wall sound tuning diffuser

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System edited: Took the plunge and forked out for an upgrade to the preamp, and moved from the Aidio Note M-3 to the M-6. I was expecting more of the same engaging musical experiences, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. The move from AN's level 3 to level 4 preamps hit the spot for me. I am where I want to be in terms of playback enjoyment and magic!


System edited: Just upgraded the tonearm to VPi's latest, the JMW 12.7 which came with a custom armboard to fit the TNT 4. Easy install, instant upgrade in sound. Amazing. Also added some small tweaks like RCA "stoppers" to plug the unused RCA sockets on the preamp. Got a pair for the unused XLR connectors on the CD player too. Final tweak is a Furutech De-Stat, a portable anti static device. This really does work on just about everything with moving parts. Audible improvement just by cleaning CDs, LPs, the platter etc. Nice.


Hi Vx700, I heard about the AMR CD 77 from my regular audio shop guy, the agents for AMR (and other brands) in Singapore. Actually, he's really a vinyl person but he talked so much about this particular CD player, I just knew it would be worth it. I ordered one without audition. Honestly? No regrets.

The player sounded so good straight out of the box I was floored. You're right about burn in tho, coz it just keeps getting better and better, really. I use iTunes via the AMR's USB input for regualr listening and burn in purposes, clocking about 5 to 6 hours daily. It's been about 6 months now and I gotta say, I'm not going to change players anytime soon.

Funny thing about the studio, I've never taken any photos. I mean... it's the studio. Usual industry standard stuff, Belden and Canary cables, off the shelf power conditioner, ProTools, tube mic preamp, Neumann mic, Yamaha digital board etc. Never really tweaked it. Interesting... coz I have some spare cables and footers and power chords...


What changes did I see? Well visually it's impressive in an "over-the-top" sort of way. More importantly, the audible improvement was quite dramatic, a little like what I experienced when using a P/C on my CD player. All round more revealing, quiet. It does make a difference. The isolation footers did nothing for the iMac. I've since moved them to the preamp.


System edited: Just added some new pictures. No upgrades or changes to the gear - 5 months now.


Re the stands, don't think the stand has a brand name at all. Some of the local audiophile shops seem to carry it tho and it did look good, so I bought several. I know they are made in Southern China.

The build quality is good, it is very heavy - each shelf weighs something like 15kgs (estimate from memory), I know this coz I had to assemble it, so total weight for the 4 shelf unit is around 70kgs? Plus it does look good :)

To be honest, I don't think this manufacturer has put alot of vibration control or damping science into the design, unlike HRS or Solid Tech racks which can cost $thousands. However it is built like a tank and I've been happy with it the past 4 years, I'm also sure Chinese speaking vibration waves will stay away ;)

like built


System edited: Just traded up the Audio Note CD player for the AMR CD 77. This amazing player also has a USB port for external digital devices to make use of the onboard DAC. iTunes never ever sounded so good!


System edited: Just added an Audio Note tube line stage as my main front end. For those who think tubes muddy music, you've got to listen to a high quality tube preamp. Layers are all there. Warmer? Not really but richer timbre from musical instruments all round. I'd describe the move from SS to tubes in this way: even the same orchestra will sound slightly different with each concert they perform, but there are special days when everything comes together, the audience, the hall, the acoustics, the recording engineer, when this happens you smile, it's magical. This tube preamp has put a smile on my face each piece I play, every concert is perpetually experiencing such a day.


Have recently upgraded the cartridge from the Ortofon Samba to the Jubilee. Both moving coil carts but the Jubilee is something a little special. Manufactured by Ortofon to commemorate their 75th Anniversary, they've put something special into this cart - and it's obvious from first listen. Now only 3 days on the arm, this is scheduled to get even better :)


Hi Gelmhirst, my reason for the ATC preamp is because of the good comments I've read about how well it mates with the active 50s. I'm not sure if this will be my last preamp though, but for me this was the best starting point before I try out other front ends (EAR 864, Audio Note Line 3 etc). I guess you could say I'm using the ATC pre as a reference point, a good "matched" base to start from i.e. pre-amp, amp and speakers all from the same manufacturer and same design philosophy. I'll probably let the system run for about 4 to 6 months, then begin to look at some tube pre's.



System edited: My recent change to active tower speakers has been a good move. The control the ATC amps have over the drivers is simply astounding. The ultimate test CD by a group called "The Bass Gang" now sounds "real". You should check out this group of 4 double bass players playing together. Your amp will really need vice like control and damping of the speakers for this to sound remotely realistic. While the music is pleasant enough, this disc for me is a true acid test of a system's ability to resolve details in a lifelike manner. So far the results are excellent.


System edited: Big changes in the last week.
