
For some unfathomable reason beyond me, I am unable to edit or upload pics in my existing(circa 2007)system. Hence, I am adding pics/brief description of the recent changes to my vinyl chain including some new pics of my enlarged and refurbished,dedicated basement listening room.Apart from the vinyl set up, the rest of the system is unchanged from 2006.

In the past 8 yrs I have upgraded/changed my TT four times, gone through 5 cartridges.I am almost embarrased by the naivety of my early enthusiasm for vinyl. This prompted the purchase/cartage of a VPI 16.5 from Chicago to New Delhi. The decapitation of my Transfiguration Orpheus L was a wake up call. The system and sound have evolved in a manner that is consistently pleasing.

Jan 2013

After 7 years the upgraditis flu strikes hard. New speakers, Rockport Aviors, a new pre bought on Agon but yet to arrive, the CJ GAT and drooling over the prospects of large SET monos driving the Aviors.

Baby steps in computer audio with a Macair and Mytek DSD. Initial results...this could be good and I am beginning to understand what all the hype is about despite my initial cynicism.

June 2013

All things vinyl. On that plea decided to do all the vinyl fun things I always wanted to. A restored Garrard 401, a 12" arm, a Ortofon SPU and a Miyajima BE mono cart. This required coordination between Hong Kong(Mint LP),Singapore(source of the 309D,SPU,Miyajima cart and a Ortofon 80 SE SUT),Switzerland(MM card for the Nagra phono stage) and two locations in Delhi for the woodwork and Garrard 401.

Jan 2014

The Final Frontier or Sunnyboy goes bananas or My All Out Assault on Being Done For Now.

The Rockport Aviors arrived in Jan 2013, followed by the CJ GAT in April and after a 11 month wait and several hiccups the Wavac HE 833 V2 mono blocs arrived in Dec 2013.

I guess I am at the pinnacle of a 40 year audio journey. I have achieved all that I could dream of

and much more besides. The best part of the journey are the friends and fellow audiophiles across the globe that I have got to know.

Thanks for looking

Room Details

Dimensions: 23’ × 14’  Medium
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • TW Acustic AC with Black Knight PSU +3 motors
    Considerably more than half the performance of the Black Knight at less than half the price
    • Durand Talea 2
    A unipivot arm that provides an excellent platform for the best cartridges available today
    • Lyra Atlas
    Top of the line and state of the art
    • Rockport Avior
    3 way speaker with berrilyum tweeter and proprietor carbon based drivers
    • Mytek DAC 192 DAC
    32 Bit handles DSD plus a useful headphone amp
    • REL Acoustics REL GI
    700 Watt sub that goes down to 16hz according to REL
    • Conrad Johnson GAT
    CJ'S current top of the line
    • Garrard 401
    circa 1965 and restored by a friend. All original parts
    • Ortofon 309D
    12" tone arm
    • Wavac HE 833 V2
    DHT SET monobloc 150 wpc with the RCA 833 tube
    • KLAudio RCM
    A superb ulta sonic cleaner
    • Lyra Etna cartridge
    A superb cart that does everything the Atlas does but more muscle and energy
    • Audiomica,Poland Speaker cable,interconnects
    Amazing performance at a sensible price. Way superior to what it replaced
    • Ortofon A95 cartridge in an Ortofon LH 1000 headshell
    An all Ortofon line up : tone arm, cart and headshell
    • Nagra BPS phono
    The battery powered BPS is linked to the Nagra MPS power supply in a all mono set up based on a Garrard 401 and a Lyra Kleos mono cart
    • Lyrita 35wpc GM70 mono blocs
    Superb local made SET mono blocs
    • Miyajima Madake cartridge
    The bamboo cantilever has been mounted on the Garrard 401.

Comments 215

Awesome !!! Wished you lived closer...would love to hear your system !


Congrats Pradeep!!! I have heard many, many good things about your Shunyata gear from innumerable seasoned audiophiles with great systems and ears.


System update. Just added a Shunyata Typhon to the Triton. According to the Shunyata manual the Typhon needs a minimum of 5 days settling time. It's only been 3 days but early signs are this is a more dramatic improvement than the Triton. Will add pics soon.


Agreed. As many pundits more knowledgeable than me keep saying ..."if it ain't broke don't fix it". The 401 is absolutely gorgeous. The amazing bit is the bass and the whack of the drum sticks, tight yet musical and in a different league compared to my TW AC rig.


Hi Pradeep,

Well, I've looked at some of the options regarding bearings and platter upgrades, and while I believe them to be efficacious, the ones worth using are beyond what I can currently afford.

Stefano Bertoncello is worth looking into, and I think Artisan Fidelity is now selling aftermarket bearings and platters.

I tried a different drop-in thrust bearing for quite a while, but when I did an inspection, the smaller bearing was causing too much wear on the bottom of the spindle bearing, so I went back to the original thrust pad.

If my situation was better, or if it somehow improves, it's something I would certainly do, but as you know, it's pretty darned good as is.

It's heartening to see you enjoying your 401 so much, I'm glad for the both of us we have one.

Best regards,


Hi Dan
Many thanks for looking. I gob smacked by the performance of the 401. It was meant as a mono table, a project that never took off given some hum related issues. I have not modded the 401 apart from loosely mounting it in a solid mdf plinth. I suppose I should upgrade the bearing and other parts etc. Is this something recommended for a table that trounces the TW AC ?


Pradeep, I am not at all surprised by your conclusion. My own DIY 401/Dynavector 501/Zu Denon 103R w/ESCCO cantilever and stylus, has had me smiling from ear-to-ear latlely.

A recent trip to visit some audio friends exposed me to some very fine analog gear (Transrotor, TriPlaner, Dyna XV1-S, etc; my old Garrard holds up remarkably well against these stellar systems.

This is not by any means a competition, this kind of comparison is well worth the six-hour drive for me, it's great to see and hear what others are listening to.

Being musically satisfied on a daily basis is something special, and I am glad to see you have achieved this.

Congratulations, and enjoy,


My audio buddies were over on Saturday night for an extended listening session. It was a shoot out of sorts between the Atlas/Garrard 401/Ortofon 309D and the TW/Proteus/Talea2. We took turns playing the same LP on both rigs. The verdict : The Atlas rig trounced the TW with the sole exception of Leonard Cohen who sounded better with the Proteus/TW. Go figure. Of course both the Atlas and Proteus are a long way from break in.


Hi Arnie
Many thanks. That's a very impressive endorsement. Will shoot a mail to Frank...


Hi Pradeep,

I think if you hear the Schroeder LT arm, you will most likely not want to listen to vinyl with your other arms. That, at least, has been my experience. The improvement is that dramatic.

Not sure what the dealer setup is. You can probably just email frank Schroeder to find out for sure.


Hi Arnie
Many thanks.Interesting and expensive possibility. 3 tonearms may require a phono or even a preamp change. The system with the Wavac mono blocs is sounding divine. Does the Schroder LT have an Asian dealer ? Perhaps something to consider in 2015.


Hi Pradeep,

Congrats on getting the Lyra Atlas back. I think you are ready to give the Schroeder LT tonearm a try on your TW turntable. Mate the LT arm with the Atlas cartridge and your analog playback will take a large leap forward in its sonic performance. The performance improvement with the LT arm is pretty amazing.



Many thanks. As both the carts, the Atlas and the Proteus are new with 5 hrs and 25 hrs respective playtime, I am having a lot of vinyl fun. I play one side of the LP on the Proteus TT and the other on the Atlas Garrard TT. Very different presentation. Once I achieve breakin at 100 hrs or so will swap the carts as I suspect the Atlas with the greater speed and agility is better suited to the TW which is a wee bit on the darker side compared to the Garrard 401 which has more PRaT.
Have a great weekend


Glad you got the Atlas back !!


System update. The Lyra Atlas arrived via Singapore on Sunday night. Managed to mount it in a Ortofon wooden headshell on a 12" arm on a Garrard 401. Cart aligned with a Mint LP. First impressions, absolutely glorious. Listened to Paul Rodgers- Live Sessions, Jazz at the Pawnshop and Lyn Stanley. Barely a few hours on the rebuild Atlas. Long way from breakin but its speed, agility and sheer musicality on a 401 is special. The TW/Talea 2/ Proteus combo is in for a long rest.


Many thanks for your brief comments on the Tripoint. Honestly I am a bit confused by the range of grounding devices out there. I hope to take possession of a Shunyata Typhon soon. As this is a passive device with no connection to a mains outlet apart from a PC that plugs into the Triton conditioner, I suppose the Typhon is a grounding device of sorts. Owners of the Triton/Typhon rave about them. I look forward to hearing from any Shunyata owners who have adopted further grounding in their systems.


Agree! I will contribute to that thread!


Manufacturers that stand behind their products and provide world class service deserve all the kudos and recognition. Planning to start a thread here and possibly elsewhere . Hoping others will chime in with their experiences.


I use the brass disc primarily for protective purposes. Robert of Star Sound says there is a modest sonic benetfit. Regarding the Tripoint Troy, well it just makes the music more realistic, natural and enjoyable. I'm very happy with its addition to my system. I also have dedicated AC lines and it doesn;t matter. The Troy makes a considerable difference.My sound is better with my BPT balanced AC isolation transformer/conditioner than going directly into the wall outlets,


Ouch! Good luck with Lyra...good service is worth its weight in gold!


Hi Charles.
Many thanks for looking. Are you using those little brass footers, I think Starsound calls them APCD, as coupling devices between the amp and the brass cones on the Sistrum stand ? Not sure if they impart any sonic benefit or it's only cosmetic/protective etc ?
I see you are a happy convert to Tripoint. Would love to learn more though I am a wee bit sceptical as I have a dedicated line with a separate ground in my backyard.


Hi Lloyd
Many thanks. Fascinating and frustrating this hobby of ours. Just when I thought I had everything sorted out and was smug about my world class sound, my Lyra Atlas cart commits suicide. It happened suddenly without warning. I have thought long about it and the only rational explanation is that Bob Dylan LP collection that I went on and on about over at WBF . The diamond stylus just disappeared , methinks in sheer disgust at the appalling modern day treatment of many Dylan classics. Off course Lyra have been magnificent in their response.


I use the Sistrum SP101s beneath my SET mono blocks and find them undeniably an asset. They increased resolution, transparency and exposed more nuances. The innate full tone, harmonic richness and natural color vibrancy were retained (actually improved).These Sistrum platforms pushed the sound closer to what I hear in the presence of live instruments. No doubt they'd bring out the best of your Wavac amplifiers.


Congrats Sunnyboy...its all about optimization now. You have world class equipment...these things help get the best out of them. And no doubt with your level of resolution, you will hear all these improvements...and hopefully enjoy it!


System edited. The only available review of the Wavac HE 833s in PF recommends the Amps should be mounted on Sistrum SP 101 stands. Was fortunate to snag a used pair on Agon and yes they do make a difference . Not as dramatic as a day night sort of comparison . The overall presentation is cleaner, notes are a tad better defined.
Will post pics.


Showing 51 - 75 of 215 posts