
My tubed system.

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 12’  Medium
Ceiling: 7’

Components Toggle details

    • Pure Audio Project Trio15 Horn1 Speaker
    Leonidas crossover. Cross-over cables have been upgraded to Verastarr Illusion Copper Foil and critical cross-over components have been upgraded to Path Audio resistors and Clarity Capacitor CSA caps.
    • Simon Audio CD5 CD Transport/Player
    Using this as a transport only to a DAC. My one and oly input - Redbook CDs.
    • Mapletree Audio Line 2A SE/ PS 2 Linestage Preamp
    NOS 12SN7 Tung-Sol grey T plates; separate power supply; NOS Raytheon JAN-CRP 6X5WGT rectifier; Black Gate filter capacitor. Gains: 10dB, 10dB, and 18dB. Two outputs.
    • Whammerdyne DGA-1
    4.3 Watts stereo amp sporting a pair of NOS Sylvania 2A3 tubes.
    • Harmonic Technology Pro-9 Plus Speaker Cables
    Copper wire, spades.
    • VH Audio Flavor 4 Power Cords
    With Furutech FI-25 Gold connectors for amp and preamp
    • Brick Wall (Zero Surge) PW8R15AUD
    AC Protection & Filter: 15 amp; 8 isolated by duplex receptacles (6 switched, 2 unswitched) for CDP and pre, and also non-system gear (DVD, TV, cable box). Brick Wall is a "private label" customer of Zero Surge.
    • Star Sound Technologies Audio Points
    Points under everything. Had I the scratch I'd set each component on a Sistrum Platform, but for now the Audio Points will do.
    • GIK Room Treatments
    (4) 244 Bass Traps on side walls at first and second reflection points; (2) pairs (double-stacked) Tri-Traps front corners; (2) 6A Alpha Pro Series Bass Trap Diffusor/Absorbers 2D(a) on front wall; (3) Evolution PolyFusors on rear wall.
    • Silnote Audio Morpheus Reference Classic II Series II S/PDIF Cable and Interconnects
    S/PDIF cable for CD transport to DAC, and interconnects for all the rest.
    • Furutech FPX (Cu) AC Outlet
    20 amps - one for amp and one for the Brick Wall/Zero Surge
    • Verastarr Nemesis Power Cord
    For the DAC
    • NewOntech DAC 07
    Only one input - S/PIDF from CDP as transport.

Comments 109

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Sounds like your where you want to be with your system and just enjoying it now.I have a brother and cousin in Atl. if I ever get around to a visit,ill be sure to get in touch.I have not changed anything in my system in a while.I just moved into a much smaller place which has pros and cons,certainly need less power.It will take some time to get the best out of this room.Now I think ill concern myself with finding a lifetime supply of good 6SN7s !Ray


LOL!!Danny ,you are def. a true music lover! You too Bill,


Hello Danny,Great to hear your getting so much enjoyment from your system!Ray


Thanks Danny,Bill ,im hoping the force will be with me in a few weeks!I love my Caravelles and think the Force will add the finishing touch !Danny ,yours and a few others experience with ACI has given me confidence that im making the right choice,if money was not an issue i may have gone with REL,,i will try the connection from my CJ MF2500A amp first as i have a 10ft. pr. of Sonoran Platau speaker cables collecting dust but no long ICs.Thanks,Ray


Hello Danny ,I emailed ACI about the Force,1 to 2 weeks for delivery,just waiting for Uncle Sam now!I also have a wooden floor,do you have spikes with your Titan? What cables are you using? Any set up tips you can pass on to me?Come on ,,,tell me how good your Titan sounds!!!So the dog and cat were not much help huh!LOL ,Did the sound change much during break-in? You have a very nice system,,im guessing the Titan has really kicked things up a couple notches(or should i say down a couple octaves)Thanks,Ray


So glad to hear the Titan sounds good! I also spoke with another member who said it integrated very well in his system,,,i will probably go with the Force due to a smallish room ,,,,,what method of hookup are you using?


Hey thats great news on your Titan!I dont have much exp. with subs,from what ive read properly integrating them in a system and room seems to be the key ! Im also going to try stuffing the ports when i get a sub,seems like a good way to roll off some of the lows on the main speakers.I am wondering if i would get a more accurate bass signal by connecting a sub via my poweramp rather than the RCA output on my preamp,,i have a tube preamp and S.S. poweramp,,,,.The ACIs that are sold used seem to hold their value better than most!Are you going to use the CD ACI provides for setup,or do you have a favored method? Thanks,Ray


Wow 7 to 8 weeks ,Thats about how long i waited for my Supratek! A testament to how good ACI subs are maybe? Im guessing that you have done your homework regarding the Titan,,,,they do sound like a very good sub from what ive read,,,do you have a prefered method for hookup? Very good price too!Ray


Hello Danny,Im doing a bit of research on subs to go with my Caravelles,ACI is on my short list,looking forward to your thoughts on the Titan when you get it!The Fontaines look great ,bet they sound great too!
